A Charge To Fathers

Father's Day

Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents],
Even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Parents are meant to be teachers of their children. And in many ways they are their first teachers. For some of us, it is hard to imagine that back in the day (and it is not even that far back) there were no schools, and so children were all home-schooled.


During the restrictions brought about by the Pandemic of 2020, millions of moms and dads have again been called upon to be their children's teachers joining other parents who were already doing so with or without the pandemic.

Each child is unique and who better to know and understand this than their own parents. Most if not all schools are (cookie cutter) cookie making factories churning out the same batches of cookies year in and year out. If your child does not fit the mold that have been set that year, then they are rejected.

But no one is rejected by Our Father in heaven. Our earthly fathers should mirror this same image, we are by the way created in His image and likeness.


Fathers (and mothers) realize that your sons and daughters have different personalities, different traits and abilities, different skills and talents, even though they are related by blood they are still different in many ways. 

Some excel in one thing and not in another. Some are fast learners and some are not so quick. Some are visual learners. Some are auditory, verbal, logical, physical, social or solitary learners -- all unique with their own set of abilities and nuisances.

Father's Day in America

History of Father's Day in America

Father's Role

The father's role in their children's life is an important one. Both parents, of course. This Father's Day, we call upon fathers to take Proverbs 22:6 to heart -- to train up your children in the way they should go.

If our own earthly fathers didn't do it for us why not make sure we are doing it (or will do it) for our children? Or to our grandchildren or nephews and nieces?

Those who have no children of their own, there are lots of children without fathers who are just waiting for somebody to step in and make a big difference in their lives.

If someone took the time to say something like this to a kid who needed to hear it, this world would be a better place.

Happy Father's Day to all fathers!
