Feeding the Sheep - Image of God

"Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness! Let them rule over the fish of the sea, over the flying creatures of the sky, over the livestock, over the whole earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the land.” God created humankind in His image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them."
-from the first book of the Jewish Scriptures
Genesis 1:26-27

[This is the 10th message of this series]

This lesson is intended for mature believers (or adulting believers). For a more orderly study, please go through all the previous messages first, if you haven't yet.

Image of God

So back in the Reborn Series, we mentioned that humankind was created in God's image.

That teaching was taken from that passage above, for as we can see God said, “Let Us make man in Our image. 

This verse shows that at creation there was a conversation between Gods --  let "Us" create in "Our" image.

Two Gods. At the same time, verses before that mentioned that the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters on earth -- so we have the third Person of the Triune God (1. God the Father, 2. God the Son, or God the Word -- who became flesh and 3. God the Holy Spirit).

The Apostle John wrote in John 1:14-15 -- "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Rule and Reign

Humankind was created in the Creators' image to rule and reign over the earth. But it didn't take long for the first man to miss the mark and mess up Gods' plan for humankind.

Rebirth and Reconcilation

God the Word had to become human (the second man) to put things back to how it was supposed to be. Christ brought the Kingdom of God back to our world, with new humans ruling and reigning in a fallen world one new human at a time, up until Christ comes back again a second time on the Day of the Lord.

Everything Created

Everything else have already been created before humankind. Humans were created last and are superior to all the creatures created beforehand. Hard for scientists to disageee with this and honestly say that humans are nothing more or just like any other creature. Can they say that other species have the capacity to be like them? What other animal can create complex computer systems, wifi, smartphones, space stations, Mars rovers, philharmonic orchestras, complex medical equipment, Netflix, Spotify, pizza, Kitkat, Cheetos and Coca cola?

Humans are creators, creating more and more complex creations in much the way (or image) as the Creator.

Humankind have traits that are not in any other animal. With these, humans have the capacity to rule over the earth and are now even planning to take over Mars (a Tower of Babel all over again). 

Before The Fall

Genesis 1:28-31

"God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the land, and conquer it. Rule over the fish of the sea, the flying creatures of the sky, and over every animal that crawls on the land.”

Then God said, “I have just given you every green plant yielding seed that is on the surface of the whole land, and every tree, which has the fruit of a tree yielding seed. They are to be food for you. Also for every wild animal, every flying creature of the sky and every creature that crawls on the land which has life, every green plant is to be food.” And it happened so. So God saw everything that He made, and behold it was very good.

So there was evening and there was morning—the sixth day."

Six is the number of man.

Mark of the Beast


6 for the first man, Adam, 6 for the second man, the Christ and 6 for the anti-Christ (the counterfeit wannabe Christ) -- three sixes.

Revelation 13
-the last book of the Christian Scriptures

"It forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on the right hand or forehead. Without the mark of the name of the Beast or the number of its name, it was impossible to buy or sell anything. Solve a riddle: Put your heads together and figure out the meaning of the number of the Beast. It’s a human number: 666."

This day is coming. The most
ingenious creation of humankind -- so practical, so innovative, so in demand, so needed and will totally make life and everything else quick and easy. With it people can do everything, go anywhere and buy or sell everything -- literally everything in their fingertips.

This will be the greatest human creation, a technologically advanced and highly sophisticated mark placed on everyone. We pray Christians are raptured before this day comes upon us.
