Wisdom - Understanding Discerning

"A scoffer seeks wisdom yet finds none,
but knowledge is easy to the discerning."

Proverbs 14:6 TLV

[This is the 14th message in this series]

In this series we are highlighting two-liner verses from the Book of Proverbs.


In the previous lesson from this series, we touched on discernment. We shall segue right through and talk about this gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit of God comes to every believer bearing gifts. These wonderful gifts are available to those who have placed their faith in Christ.

Discernment is one of those gifts from God.

The second line of this couplet is telling us that knowledge comes easy to the discerning. Meaning Godly knowledge comes naturally, or effortlessly to those who have the Holy Spirit of God.

Teachers of the Law

Jesus showed us this fact during His clandestine conversation with Israel's teacher, Nicodemus.

The great Nic, with all those years of studying Scriptures under his belt and the massive amount of time he spent learning about God, found out in an embarrassing way that he absolutely knows nothing about God. He was already speaking face to face with God and he still didn't realize it.

This was the same case for Saul of Tarsus, who after encountering the Risen Christ became known as Paul the Apostle (yes, the same one who later went on to write more than half of the Christian Scripture).

Saul with all his knowledge through years of diligently studying Scriptures and trying to learn about God, absolutely had to throw away everything he had learned on his own. 

He traded it all for the knowledge that the Holy Spirit taught him for three years (after his rebirth) and the fresh revelations he learned by walking in the Spirit.


Psalm 1 tells us:

'Blessed is the man
    who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
    nor sits in the seat of scoffers;'

We have already touched on the wicked in the last two lessons in this series (they are those who would typically plan evil on other people).

It is really a great idea to not be asking for any advice from wicked people. If we do, we would soon find out that their 'plans' will have no fruit or worse, will bear bad fruit.

Scoffers are proud and haughty people. They are those who put themselves head and shoulders over and above others. Yes, like Nicodemus and Saul.

In another translation, the first line of this couplet goes like:

'A mocker seeks wisdom and never finds it,'

A mocker, a scorner, a scoffer, a conceited person, they are all the same breed.


When these kind try to seek Godly wisdom, even with all their best efforts and good intentions, they will find none. Godly wisdom is not a by product of hard labor or painful toil. Otherwise, the likes of those teachers of the law such as Nicodemus and Saul will have something to gloat about.

Wisdom is of the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit of God, all of our studying are a waste of our time.

On the other hand, knowledge and wisdom are easy-peasy when the Holy Spirit becomes our teacher. Why? So no one can boast. These are God's gifts, hidden treasures.

Everything about God is about Him. Hardly anything is about us. Even the Holy Spirit Himself is not about Himself. He always points to and shines the spotlight on Jesus.

Like John the Baptizer said:

'He (Jesus) must become greater and greater (increase), and I must become less and less (decrease).' This goes the same for every believer. So as we continue to move forward in our spiritual walk, others should see more and more of Christ and less and less of the Christian. 

