Parables - The Sower

Simple Stories, Profound Truths

"On that day after Yeshua left the house, He was sitting by the sea.

And large crowds gathered around Him; so He got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd stood on the shore.

And He told them many things in parables, saying, “Behold, a sower went out to spread some seed.

As he was scattering the seed, some seeds fell by the road; and the birds came and ate them up.

Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they didn’t have much soil. They sprang up immediately, because the soil wasn’t deep.

But when the sun came up, they were scorched; and because they had no roots, they withered away.

Other seeds fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew and choked them out.

But others fell on good soil and were producing fruit. They yielded a crop—some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

He who has ears, let him hear.”

Matthew 13:1-9 TLV

[This is the 15th lesson in this series]

[The Name Jesus in their language is Yeshua, the TLV uses Yeshua in place of Jesus]

We have talked about how Jesus tell simple stories and how these tales have profound truths to it.

So this one is one of those short stories (known as parables).

God's Kingdom

God's Kingdom is upon us. In this "unseen" realm, God is the King and He doesn't need to do anything to convince you that His Kingdom exists or if He exists.

This world we live in is so much more than what we can see. If you really think about it, so many things happen behind the scenes or away from what we see. It is hard to believe that anything just happens for no reason at all.

Nothing Happens By Chance

Everything happens for a reason. There is always something "unseen" behind everything.

If it doesn't, then why do we do the things that we do? We might as well just live like how we believe. Why should we not live like there is no tomorrow? Why shouldn't we live like we don't care what we do or say, everything happens by chance anyway. There is no God. There is nothing after this life. And many do live like this.

Jesus Said What He Needed To Say

When Jesus was here on earth in the flesh, He already said everything He needed to say and did everything He needed to do.

He spoke of truths using stories and it will either be that whoever heard it will get them or they wouldn't (or they don't want to).

And it's not that God doesn't care, He does. That was why He did what was needed to be done and said what's needed to be said.

It Is Finished

God loves us so that He wants us to decide on our own. If we decide that nothing happens for a reason, we only live once and life is just a matter of eating and drinking and having fun, He allows us that freedom to believe this. 

But Not Without Responsibility

We decide what we want to believe in. We decide what we want to do with our life. This life is a gift. The freedom to choose for ourselves is a gift -- freewill.

We do as we desire to do. Everything is permissible but not everything will be beneficial 1 Corinthians 10:23.

Every door we choose to open and walk into has its share of consequences. 

Parable Explained

If you want to know what this parable means, Jesus did explain it. Here it is on:

Matthew 13:18-23

Our hearts are the soil for the seeds (the Word of the Kingdom). If our heart is hard or otherwise not ready to receive and nurture the seeds then they will not grow and bear fruit. In due season, our hearts will be receptive like after a farmer has prepared and plowed through it. The seed landing on good soil is a heart where it will thrive and bear fruit. Everything we have gone through, we went through for a reason, these are like a plower prepping our hearts for planting season (nothing happens by chance).

There’s a Right Time for Everything

"There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:"

Ecclesiastes 3:1

He who has ears, let him hear.

God is God, whether you believe it or not. He is the farmer.

These messages are the seeds...our hearts are the soil.  The Holy Spirit is the sun and the rain. Jesus made this all possible.

Come As You Are

God SpeaKing
