Right Side Up - Saving the Ungrateful

'For at just the right time, while we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.'
-Apostle Paul writing to the 1st church in the City of Rome, 1st century
Romans 5:6-8

[This is the 3rd message of this series]


Through the centuries, countless noble people have risked their lives trying to save good people, especially for people worth dying for (loved ones, family, countrymen).

Prince of Heaven

There is One Man who placed everything on the line and died for people who absolutely have no idea about what He was doing or why, and even if they did find out would absolutely not care one bit.

You see none of us are worth the blood and the sacrifice of the Prince of heaven. But He risked it all and gave His life anyway.

And when we finally are able to wrap our mind around this, connect the dots and see the big picture, then it will start to turn our whole world upside down (or right side up).

New Creation

Those of us who used to think that everything just happens by chance and every single bad thing that we went through were just bad luck, or being at the wrong place at the wrong time, will have a new perspective, a new attitude. 

Those of us who used to believe that they are totally worthless, will look at themselves in a whole new light, as an entirely new person. 

Those of us who used to accept that they are too bad and have gone too far to come back from or to amount to anything, will see that they are much more than what they think they are and are capable of. 

Apple of His Eyes

We are precious to God. We are His long lost sheep. 

And even if we are the only lost sheep, the Good Shepherd will still risk everything to go out, look for and bring home that lone lost sheep.

The Ultimate Being -- the God of the Universe, who created everything didn't wait for us to get our act together, He didn't wait for us to see the folly of our ways or our thinking, He didn't wait for us to be of any benefit or use to Him.

He died to save everyone, at our ugliest, at our crueliest, at our absolute worst, and at a point when gratitude is not assumed or expected.

God did it even if only one of us would believe. He did it even when no one would have accepted what He did.

Free Will

He did it and had the Holy Spirit explain how and why, after the fact, with no real expectation from us whatsoever. We are all free to believe or not. We are free to accept Him or not.

All God has is an earmest hope that His selfless love and redemptive work will make us understand and that this would change our mind and our heart; and the chance for a reconciliation and restoration of what was once lost. It was a gift of unselfish love.

And yes, what a totally upside down way to do something. But that's just how amazing is God's love. Unbelievable. No expectations. Reckless. Take it or leave it. It's our choice to receive it or not. 

Romans 5:12-21 TPT

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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