Feeding the Sheep - Teaching Like A Mature Believer

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12

[This is the 14th message of this series]

This lesson is intended for mature believers (or adulting believers). For a more orderly study, please go through all the previous messages first, if you haven't yet.

Preaching the Word of God

All believers are called to preach (teach) the Word of God.

Matthew 28:19-20

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,  baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

And a big number of believers do teach the Word, and are actually quite good at it.

Many are so good they even believe what they preach. Now if all of them really believe in what they are teaching, then this world will be a much better place -- and we know this world is not a good place and that people aren't good. This world needs a spiritual awakening. The Word of God is the Way for such a global revival.

Double Edged Sword

God's Word is a two edged sword, so it can cut both forwards and backwards. The Word is most effective when the teacher allows the Word to cut himself/herself first before cutting the hearer.

The preacher of the Word who claims or presents himself/herself to have not sinned is fooling himself/herself. They would be no different than the religious leaders who Jesus castigated and the ones who schemed to have Him eliminated, slandering Him, and having Him arrested and sentenced to death.

For all of us have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. If we have not sinned then we would have no need for a Messiah, and His Word.

Cuts to the Heart

When we study the Word of God, it cuts to the heart. We feel a deep conviction (that is the still small voice of the Holy Spirit). 

Now there are exemptions. Most temptations we don't fall into, and not everyone sins rhe same way. 

The Word should make us to ponder our own sins, not those of other people. The Word makes us remorseful and repentant. The Word changes us (from the inside out). The Word is for the teacher first, then to their student.

"to whom much is given, much will be required"

New Creation

Once the Word has changed the heart of the teacher, then he/she is ready to teach others.

This is why teachers of the Word have to be careful how they teach because if they are callous, tactless or careless, they might come off as a high-nosed Pharisee (a whitewashed tomb, looking beautiful on the outside but on the inside are nothing but dead bones).

And we can't have that.

Teachers of the Word shouldn't judge others because they sin differently than them. That's hypocrisy.  Jesus didn't die for those with only a specific kind of sin, He bled for everyone.


Preachers of the Word, should be compassionate, meaning they can feel what others feel.

The one whom the Lord has forgiven much, loves the Lord more. And have more compassion with others who have sinned or suffered like them.

This is why at funerals, some people can honestly say to the bereaved fanily that they know how they feel. But only when they have lost a loved one like they did, and under the same circumstances.

We can compare this compassion with a widow or widower who is able to relate with someone who had just lost a spouse, an orphan relating with another orphan, or someone who is blind with another person who cannot see.

Like One of Us

This is the reason Jesus was born as one of us. This was why He was born and had a manger for a crib (a manger is basically a box used for feeding farm animals). This was why he was born and wrapped in swaddling cloths (most probably those used to wrap newly born lambs, the same ones shepherds would use).

This is the reason why He was born in an insignificant town and was raised in a place where no good thing ever came out of.

This was the reason why He grew up with snall town busy-bodies gossiping about Him and His family. This was why He had no earthly father (we don't know what happened to Joseph as Scriptures recorded nothing about him after Jesus was 12 years old).

This was the reason why He was discriminated against, stereotyped, looked down on, slandered, falsely accused and unfairly sentenced.

This is the reason why He was the first child, and why He had siblings, brothers and sisters who did not believe Him. This was why He wasn't married and He had no children.

This was why He wasn't born rich or to a prominent family. This was why He left home, went around homeless and why He went for days without food.

He has compassion with everyday people, because He was one of us. He went through the same things we are going through.

When He preached, He knew what He was talking about.

When He shares His heart, His heart bleeds for those listening.


When preachers teach the Word, they need to feel the cut of the sharp back edge. They have to be the first to feel the pain and to bleed, like Jesus did as He was flogged and crucified for our sake. The Word when spoken out will cut deep. Teachers should be sensitive, symphathetic and understanding. And should speak with love, using the same love, patience and understanding they have received from the God of Creation.
