Our God - Slow to Anger and Rich in Love


"The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love."

Psalm 145:8

[This is the 2nd message of this series]

The God of Creation Revealed Himself to Moses

"Then he passed in front of Moses, calling out, “The Lord, the Lord, a compassionate and merciful God, patient, always faithful and ready to forgive. He continues to show his love to thousands of generations, forgiving wrongdoing, disobedience, and sin. He never lets the guilty go unpunished, punishing children and grandchildren for their parents’ sins to the third and fourth generation.” Exodus 34:6-7

The Supreme Being revealed Himself to Moses several times. In one of those occasions God described Himself as merciful, patient, always faithful and ready to forgive (slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness).

Slow to Anger

God is slow to anger and for this reason, James the brother of Jesus taught the first church this:

"Know this, my dear brothers and sisters: let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger." James 1:19

For Our God is the same way.  And the more believers walk with God, the more they become like Him.

Abounding in Love and Faithfulness

The God of Creation is abounding in love. So much more than than we can think or imagine.

Always Faithful

And God will always be faithful, even when in our frail humanity, none of us are.

He knows this, this is why He sent His Son to become human and be the Faithful One to stand in our place -- the One who stood in the gap and showed us, it can be done, and that we can do it as well, when we decide to walk ever so closely with Him day by day.

God's love and faithfulnees extends to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity (wrongdoing), transgression (disobedience) and sin.

[Even though His justice extends to the third and fourth generation]

This demonstrates that His loving arms are thousands more wider conpared to His arm of justice (thousands with three or four).

His love covers a multitude of sins, Christ covers a multitude of sins. When God looks at us, He sees Christ. And as we walk increasingly closer with Christ, others see Him in us. He becomes greater as we become lesser.


We can never outlove God. But we can begin to love like Him.

Let us be slow to speak. Talk less.

Let us listen more. Understand one another more. Remember, we will all have our good and bad days.

Let us be slow to be angry. Let no transgression bring us away from the way Christ didn't choose who among us to die for. He did it for all of us.

Let us be faithful even though others are not. Remember let us not be deluded, no one knows everything and no one is perfect, no one, except God. 
