Roadmap - I Don't Know Christ

I Don't Know Christ or I've Heard of Christ But Don't Really Know Him

This is the first of this series. This is a roadmap of how to navigate this site.

I Don't Know Christ

So if this describes where you are right now and you want to know who Christ is then let us begin.

Entering Start Location:

There are still a lot people who have not heard of Christ. If you are, then you are not alone. Now most people have, they have heard of the Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus the Christ, Christ Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Nazarene, Yeshua... these are some of the names people call Him by.

[Jesus is Yeshua in English, He grew up in the town named Nazareth]

Some have heard of Christmas and don't really know what it is about. Simply, Christmas is the day and the season that Christians use to commemorate the birth of Christ. 

[Christmas Series: Advent]


Christ is not the last name of Jesus. They didn't have last names back in time. This was before the first century.

Christ comes from the Greek word Khristos.

The Christian bible was originally written in the Greek language -- the language in general use at that time (it was the English of their time). All throughout the known world, people communicated, did business and transacted their affairs using Greek. 

Who is the Christ?

Christ is the fulfillment of what was written about in the Jewish Scriptures.

The ancient Jews believed in One God. This is the God who created everything. Scientists who believe in a Creator, calls this Being the Intelligent Designer, or the Prime Mover. 

Of course they will not call this science. Because believe it or not, science has limitations. Science do not deal with the supernatural, only the natural and mainly with things that are observable and repeatable. And for one, I don't think the Big Bang was observed by anyone and two, in all probability it is not going to be repeated, at least not in a science lab.


Anyway, in the Jewish bible, they have the word Messiah, which means The Anointed King.

The Messiah is the Promised King who was prophesied to deliver God's people from bondage. The Messiah will come from the lineage or the descendants of King David. And there are hundreds of prophesies about who and what the Messiah is and what He will do.

For hundreds of years, these prophesies have been recorded and preserved in the ancient (sacred and holy) writings of the Jewish people.

Real People

Christ is the English word for The Messiah. And the first Christians, those who Jesus called to come and follow Him as He started His teaching ministry sometime around the start of the first century, gave this title, the Christ, the Anointed King, the Messiah, the One who will deliver God's people from bondage, to Jesus of Nazareth. The Apostle Peter was the first person to call Him that (Luke 9:18-20)

Jesus, along with His followers were real. They all lived in Judea, near and in what is now present day Israel.

Jesus is a real person, we basically divided time into B.C., before He was born and A.D. after. So roughly the year we are in right now is the number of years that have passed since His birth. Jesus was born in a town called Bethlehem.

Through the centuries people have said and have written so many different things about The Christ. And made it confusing for many.

During the time of Jesus, many of the Jewish people did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah because they were confused on who and what the Messiah was to deliver them from.

Let us watch this short video and get some insight from the old Jewish sacred writings.

Link to: Prophesies About The Messiah Fulfilled By Jesus Christ 

To continue, click here: Roadmap

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012