Roadmap - I Know of Christ From Religion or Tradition
This is the 4th of this series. This is a roadmap on how to navigate this site.
I Know of Christ From Religion, Theology or Tradition
So if this describes where you are right now and you really want to know Christ, then you can continue.
[If you know a lot about Christ but think there should be something more to just knowing about Him, then you are correct, please feel free to continue navigating this site]
Entering Start Location
In the message I Got Turned Off By Religion, we touched on how some people gave up on God because of, yes religion.
The opposite is also true, some people believe they are into God by being head over heels in religion.
Many of them are so into God, they kept on it and probably reached high or prominent positions in their religious organizations and became respected personalities within their communities and social and religious circles.
Some of these people have no idea that they have become modern day Saint Pauls -- the Apostle Paul (or Saul) but before he had an encounter with Christ.
This is true of all self-righteous religious people such as the Pharisees, scribes, teachers of the law, priests and religious leaders during the time of Christ. They were merely busy studying about Christ, trying to look "righteous" by doing their religious rituals and following the obligations of their legalistic doctrines and in so doing, they failed to recognize Christ. In other words, they have overshot their destination, heaven, and they missed out on God's kingdom.
Many of them are so into God, they kept on it and probably reached high or prominent positions in their religious organizations and became respected personalities within their communities and social and religious circles.
Some of these people have no idea that they have become modern day Saint Pauls -- the Apostle Paul (or Saul) but before he had an encounter with Christ.
This is true of all self-righteous religious people such as the Pharisees, scribes, teachers of the law, priests and religious leaders during the time of Christ. They were merely busy studying about Christ, trying to look "righteous" by doing their religious rituals and following the obligations of their legalistic doctrines and in so doing, they failed to recognize Christ. In other words, they have overshot their destination, heaven, and they missed out on God's kingdom.
Turning Point
There is still hope though for the Saul's of the world. Right, they need a Damascus Road experience. If they are blind to the truth, the irony is that they need to be blinded from seeing the truth and the light. Then they can be unblinded to see the way. They need to see Jesus for who He really is (The Way, The Truth and the Light). And they need to see themselves for who they really are, people who cannot be righteous in God's eye on their own strength.
There is still hope though for the Saul's of the world. Right, they need a Damascus Road experience. If they are blind to the truth, the irony is that they need to be blinded from seeing the truth and the light. Then they can be unblinded to see the way. They need to see Jesus for who He really is (The Way, The Truth and the Light). And they need to see themselves for who they really are, people who cannot be righteous in God's eye on their own strength.
Now for those who are merely pretending to be blind, then there is no solution. Sure, they will get their rewards here on earth, accolades of men and peers, titles, letters added their name, positions, fame, power, prestige, all the things deemed important by this world.
Now for those who are merely pretending to be blind, then there is no solution. Sure, they will get their rewards here on earth, accolades of men and peers, titles, letters added their name, positions, fame, power, prestige, all the things deemed important by this world.
Although, as we have already talked about, they will miss their chance to see the Kingdom of God.
If you want to know the real Christ and not just be religious then continue on the Roadmap.
If you want to know the real Christ and not just be religious then continue on the Roadmap.