Living the Fruitful Life - Remain in The Word

“If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.

In this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples.”

-Jesus of Nazareth, speaking to His disciples, 1st century
John 15:7-8 in The Tree of Life Version

[This is the 5th and last lesson in this short series]

Finally living the fruitful life involves abiding (remaining) in God's Word. 

God's word is the bible. And in the bible, it is written that the Word who was made flesh is Christ Jesus, born of the virgin, in Bethlehem, came out of Egypt, grew up in Nazareth, suffered and died for our sins, and He rose again.

God's word created the heavens and the earth. God's word has power. God's word is eternal. God's word will not return void. God's word is Love. God's word is God.

When Christians abide in the word it means they meditate on the word and the word permeates their hearts and minds.

The result is a change from within and their prayers bear fruit because their will aligns with God's will.

God's Will

Among the most widely quoted and most important and obvious ones is that God's plan for us is to prosper us, not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.

The Christian Scriptures also tells us that:

God's will is to heal us.
-1 Peter 2:24

God's will is to find rest for our soul.
-Matthew 11:28-29

God's will is to give us peace.
-John 14:27

God's will is to give us wisdom.
-James 1:5

God's will is to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
-1 Peter 2:15

God's will is for us to give thanks in all circumstances.
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

God's will is for people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
-1 Timothy 2:4

When our will aligns with God's will, we pray for these and many other petitions, and our prayers bear fruit. When we bear fruit, God is glorified, and prove that we are disciples of Christ, the Word Incarnate.
