Teaching the Teachers - To Debate or Not Debate

"Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting people, and training them for a life that has God’s approval. They equip God’s servants so that they are completely prepared to do good things."
-Apostle Paul writing to Timothy, 1st century
2 Timothy 3:16-17 in God's Word Translation

[This is the 8th lesson of this series]

Christians are fun people to be with. The funniest thing is that whenever a fellow Christian say something, other believers
find the smallest thing to criticize, completely overlooking all other things said they are agreeable with.

That is our human nature at work, our eyes are drawn to that tiny smudge on an otherwise completley clean and pressed white shirt someone is wearing. Always. It is like an itch that we need to get rid of. 

With brothers and sisters in the faith like that, who needs enemies? No wonder Christ has not returned for His bride yet.

Even after 2,000 years the church is still a baby, busy bickering and criticizing brothers and sisters especially over non-essentials and particularly because they belong to a different denomination or congregation.

(We follow the great Reverend such and such. He is way more superior to your preacher.)

Now, don't get me wrong, in their adulthood, the apostles confronted other apostles, as they did other teachers and church leaders. 

In their adulting stage, they were bickering with one other, they even argued about who among them is the greatest.

Jesus Himself confronted His closest disciples, schooled them particularly when they were debating who among them is the top disciple. Such babies they are, and missing the point of their training.

The only other group of people Jesus really criticized were the religious leaders of His day.  Jesus didn't minced His words as He spoke to and against them.


Jesus is all about love and unity, except when it comes to one group of people. The only people who Jesus despised were those who exalted themselves over others, lording over God's people by priding about their self-righteousness, their good works and their mastery of the Law. 

They are those who constantly found fault in others and thought of themselves better than everyone else. Yes better than God even. They spent their whole lives studying about God and failed to recognize Him, or worst deliberately denied Him.


God's Word is useful for teaching, for pointing out errors, for correcting people, and for training. The purpose is to teach others how to live a life approved by God so as to equip and prepare them to do the good things God has chosen them to do.

We shouldn't necessarily use God's word to debate others, like quoting book, chapter and verse like we are living them perfectly. No, no one among us can do that -- live a perfect life.

And yes, without love, we are merely noisy musical instruments. Even if we are able to memorize the entire bible.

Image Credit: DailyVerses.net

Everything about our new nature in Christ is summed up in one word -- (God's) love. Without which we really don't know God. When we receive God's love, we can worship Him, if we haven't we will eventually worship ourselves.
