Teaching - Do Not Think Highly of Yourself

"For through the grace given me, I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of yourself than you ought to think—but to use sound judgment, as God has assigned to each person a measure of faith. For just as we have many parts in one body—and all the parts do not have the same function— so we, who are many, are one body in Messiah and everyone parts of one another."

Romans 12:3-5 in the Tree of Life Version

[This is the 19th lesson of this series]

Jesus of Nazareth has always been about love and unity. He didn't start a religion but a movement where every member form One Body -- The Body of Christ.

This One Unified Body is the Bride of Christ. The bride Jesus promised to return to after He has prepared their eternal dwelling place in heaven.

Bride of Christ

This is a portrait of the wedding of the Jewish people of old. The bridegroom goes off to prepare the house where the newly married couple will live in. And in about a year returns to his bride and takes her back with him to the home he has prepared. 

Hence the story about the five foolish virgins who because the bridegroom was taking longer than anticipated to come back, were dozing off to sleep and worse neglected to bring extra jars of oil for their lamps as they keep watch at night, awaiting the bridegroom's return. When their lamps ran out of oil, they had no fuel to keep it lighted. Five were considered wise because they were able to keep their lamps burning and able to keep watch for the bridegroom's return.

When the bridegroom arrived, he found the five wise ones waiting, with their lamps lighted, and they were able to attend the wedding feast.

Matthew 25:1-13

These are who we ought to be -- ready and waiting, and doing what we are supposed to be doing.

Body Of Christ

We form the whole Body of Christ, like the different parts of the human body, we have different functions, yet not one part is better than another, each one needing one another.

No one should boast, putting themselves higher than another, especially because they are teaching the gospel. The teacher is no better than the encourager, or the giver, or the cleaner, or the cook, the baby sitter or the gardener. Without one, everyone will suffer.

The teacher is no better than one who serves behind the scenes. The bible tells us blessed is the one who cares for the least of his brothers and sisters. The least among them deserves greater honor.

When we honor one part of the Body of Christ, we honor Christ. When we exalt ourself above others, we are not of the same mind of Christ.

Listen carefully, God is speaking. Let us do our work as the Lord had chosen for us, diligently, cheerfully and helping one another out, in love and unity, and for God's purpose not ours. 

Christ is coming back soon. 
