Teaching - People Have Their Fingers in Their Ears, Saying La La La, I Can't Hear You

"For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."

2 Timothy 4:3-4 in the Berean Study Bible Version

[This is the 22nd lesson of this series]

Note: I finished writing this message and then fell asleep right after. For some reason, a huge part of what I typed up was deleted. I am not sure what happened or how, but for sure it wasn't by chance. So I asked the Holy Spirit to complete this lesson, this is His lesson (not mine) anyway.

In the previous lesson we spoke about how people are seeking man's approval and validation. But this is not the way in the Kingdom of God.

When preachers of the Word seeks God's approval and not other's, then the path is straight and the Way is lighted. The Holy Spirit guides and God's Word is revealed.

The Apostle Paul taught his student, Timothy, teacher and leader of the 1st church in Ephesus, in the 1st century. Paul told Timothy that as his teaching days are coming to an end, his was starting. 

Jesus taught Peter, James, John and the rest of His disciples, face to face. Paul was taught by the Spirit of Jesus and all of them wrote the Christian bible which is the basis for Christianity.

Student is Not Greater Than His Teacher

Jesus told His students, that no student is greater than his Teacher. What the world has done to Him, they will do to them.

Peter, James, Paul and the rest of the students of Jesus knew this. And they didn't beg off on it.

People hated Jesus, they hunted Him down, stalked Him, mocked Him, slandered Him, beat Him up and killed Him.

And these things also happened to His students, who became the next teachers after Him.

Easy Way Out

Up to when Paul prophesied that the church will be infiltrated by wolves in sheep's clothing. And because people did not want to listen to the teachings of Jesus and His students after Him, they built up teachers for themselves who would tickle their own fancies. They selected teachers who pandered to their own desires and taught about those which their itching ears wanted to hear. None of this Jesus truth. But more of the human made myths, mirages, morality, spiritual mambo jambo and religious nonsense.

Nothing New

Then during the times when people are led by the Spirit of God to study Scriptures and have them come back to teaching what Jesus taught and the way it used to be taught -- spiritual revivals would take place and the good news of salvation and God's Kingdom is taught once again. But then the cycle continues, and again certain people would infiltrate the church and change what was being taught.


Again and again we see this pattern, up until today it is the same way. 

Yet a revival has again started in this pandemic time. And teachers brought up for such a time as this are being emboldened and are teaching not for personal gain, personal agenda or personal glory. But because they have been called to teach. The world needs to hear the truth once again, up until everything here on earth comes to an end.

To everyone reading this, harden not your hearts, listen to the Holy Spirit's still small voice. God is speaking, give Him a chance.
