Teaching - Thankless Venture

"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ"

Galatians 1:10 in the English Standard Version

[This is the 21st lesson of this series]

It is in our human nature to look for validation. This is why when we receive approval from others, we get bubbly inside.

And this is the reason why social media became so popular. People can post something instantly and through this medium they can get instant approval -- likes, emojis, virtual hugs, high fives, we love it. People can't get enough of it.

Approval of Others

This is what the Apostle Paul was writing about to the 1st church in Galatia in the 1st century. We should read the Book of Galatians to find out more about what he wrote in this letter.

And Paul knows all about this need for the approval of men. He was a prominent member of that exclusive, pretentious, group of people known as the Pharisees. And they live for man's approval. They exude superiority over everyone. Theirs is a small knit, a clique where everyone is also trying to outdo one another. Theirs is a real dog eat dog world. 

The term Pharisee means "separated one." The members of this group set themselves apart and lord it over others. They set themselves apart to study and teach their religious law. But they also separated themselves from everyone and everything to maintain an aura or guarded reputation of someone who is able to maintain a long list of religious dos and don'ts. They do this because of a sense of tradition, pride, legalism and the practice of their religion. And people honor them, give them praise, place them on a pedestal and look up to them, that was their intent anyway.

A Part Of But Apart From

True, teachers of God's Kingdom need to separate themselves from this world, but not because of these reasons.

Everything about the world or everything popular in this world is completely opposite of the Kingdom of God. What is popular with the world is more likely than not, not what God is looking for. This is the reason for having to be separate. Not because of vanity, not for religion, not for status or superiority, not for accolades, awards, acceptance, validation or anything like that.


In fact, teaching about Christ is the most thankless preoccupation in the world. Now and back then. In the 1st century and all throughout the centuries, people were shaking their heads at them and want them dead. 

Today, people are laughing at their faces, mocking them and still want them dead. People are telling them "you still believe in that $%^&" in both the real world and online.

The internet, media, society and social media are full of memes aimed to ridicule Christ or anything about Christianity. Those who chose not to believe find it extremely important to share these creative and witty jabs online to make fun of believers and to validate their own beliefs. Again, we see the need for the approval from others. Or even the need to feel superior.

So then again, this is why teachers of the gospel are to be more like Jesus, Paul, Peter and the rest of those who left everything and everyone so as to seek only the approval of God, The Creator, not the approval of men or of this world, or to lord it over everyone. 

Where as Pharisees and religious teachers want people to kiss their feet, Jesus did the exact opposite and washed His students' feet.

Yes, there are still people who believe in this 2,000 year old "$%^&". Teachers ought to lovingly share with anyone why they do so. But they shouldn't force, rather they cannot force anyone to change their own beliefs or unbelief. When teachers have shared God's Word and God's love, they would have done what they needed to do. 

The outcome is not in their hands. 

Even Jesus came out the next day to teach only to those who were willing and who came back out to listen to Him.

It's their choice. And this is a choice everyone has. But it is a great honor to give people a chance to hear about Christ. Everyone needs to have an opportunity to hear at least once in their lifetime.

Beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news of salvation. 

