God's Plan

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope."

Jeremiah 29:11 in the Berean Study Bible Version

[This is the 3rd of a mini-series of lessons (within a series)]

It is recommended that you start this reading with the lesson titled "If There's A Will, There's A Plan" and work your way through the list of lessons.

Please do so, before you proceed.

Every time God's plan comes up in conversations, almost always, this generic God's plan verse from the Book of Jeremiah will come up. Jeremiah is one of the old school prophets written about in the Jewish Scriptures.

This verse is an iconic memory verse, many believers can recite this passage verbatim. 

Yet, like in anything else, there is more to memorizing than actually understanding what the passage means.

For this generic verse, it is pretty straight forward. God's plan for us is to:

1. Prosper us
-And this means not just material things. This is just a small part of being "successful".

2. Not to harm us
-This is a important, because you might be "prospering" but if it is harming you at the same time, then that might be a great sign that this "blessing" is not actually from the Lord.

3. Give us a future
-Believers normally are not expected to worry about the future and most anything else, knowing that God has this covered is a real blessing.

4. Give us hope
-This goes hand in hand with us knowing that God has our back. Many people become destitute or depressed which may lead to hopelessness. This is a place no one wants to be in. God's plan is for us to have hope, and for sure this is a priceless blessing.

Prodigal Child

Now continuing from the story from the previous lesson, we were saying that God's plan for us was revealed at the end of that story.

If you remember it tells us that the dead is now alive and the lost is now found. This is God's plan.

God's Plan

Peter also gave us some insight into what God's plan is. Peter wrote and is now part of the Christian Scripture that God does not want anyone to perish but for everyone to come to repentance.

From the story in the previous lesson the younger son running away with his inheritance was not really his father's will. But because like everyone of us, he has free will, he did it, it was his own decision. During this time, he carelessly used up all of his money in wanton living. He ended up poor and in misery. The only work he could find was one of the worse possible jobs around. None of these are his father's will.

Not God's will, but He allowed them to take place.

In the end, God's plan prevails.

The younger son who was once dead is now alive, was once lost is now found.

The elder son who was doing what his father wanted was just as dead and lost as his younger brother. He just didn't know. 

He wasn't happy and was resentful with his father and brother. He didn't know what he had, and for sure wasn't making full use or taking full advantage of it.

As mentioned, in the end God's will and God's plan was revealed to them and was fulfilled.

The dead will become alive and the lost shall be found. This is the purpose of this church.
