Teaching - Dire Warnings

'John said to Him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we tried to prevent him because he was not following us.” 
But Jesus said, “Do not hinder him, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name, and be able soon afterward to speak evil of Me. 
For the one who is not against us is for us. For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because of your name as followers of Christ, truly I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it is better for him if a heavy millstone is hung around his neck and he is thrown into the sea.'

Mark 9:38-42 in the New American Standard Bible Version

[This is the 27th lesson of this series]

This is a segue from the previous lesson.

As mature believers and old enough to be able to teach, I notice that Hebrews 5:12 is as relevant today than it was 20 centuries ago. It looks like someone might have just come up with it today, let's read and heed what it says:

"In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!"

Nothing Is New Under the Sun

So many supposedly mature believers today are as arrogant as John was in his time (from excerpt above) -- stopping others who are doing ministry because they weren't following them. They were mere men themselves! Let us not kid ourselves, every Christian religion (sect or denomination) is human made. 

So many mature believers follow their denomination's (human) founder more than Christ Himself. They are proud and identify more with their denomination than being a Christian. Many today are still telling others to stop doing what they are doing for Christ because they do not belong to their congregation. How narrow minded and egotistical, and how much cliquey and Pharisee-like can you get? Don't worry though, they are in good company, even the disciples did it, as immature followers of Christ. And yet as we read above, Jesus specifically told them not to. What is then our excuse as we continue doing the same today?

Many of us are more concerned about non-essentials than what is most important.

Let others be. The Lord will deal with them in His time! They will get what they deserve. In the meantime, we have our own work to do. And we don't have the luxury of time. Bringing the Truth and the Love of Christ to others is more than enough for us to do (if we are even doing that). Don't take in any more additional load that will only take us away from what we were called to do.

Like Jesus told Peter, as he was asking what about him (pointing to John). Jesus told him, what's that to you? You follow me!  Feed my sheep.

Why does it matter anyway if we do not read the same bible version that your beloved denomination prescribes to? Why does it matter that we sing different songs, or wear our hair different, or wear different clothes?


Only Jesus Christ is essential -- The Way, The Truth and The Life.

Stop worrying about other churches, let us stir cleat of kicking other church leaders or their followers, especially if they fell flat on their faces, and while they are down. It is unbecoming and embarrassing for Christians to laugh at other Christians when they fail. 

We should instead be praying for them. And celebrate with them when they come around.

Scriptures say if we think we are standing firm, be careful that we don’t fall.

We are expected to not do to others what we don't want them to do to us -- elementary stuff, the Golden Rule. 

Time is Running Out

This present generation is dying at a much faster rate than all previous ones. We are losing the war for their souls.

So much of the world is lost, bored, confused, distracted, deceived or just plain ignorant. The world needs more of us who will use spiritual discernment, common courtesy and common sense.

We simply need to share the Truth of Jesus Christ! What most of what the worlds needs is really a (non-judgmental) welcome back home hug of a loving father, mother and close family member, after having lost their way. They need a side hug of a long lost childhood friend, the concern, understanding, thoughtfulness and assistance of a stranger, acquaintance and a neighbor.

The world needs the transforming conviction and clarity from the Living God.

They do not need the scheming condemnation and confusion from the enemy and a Karen like attitude. They do not need the religious jargon and the long elaborate prose of legalistic and ritualistic teachers and teachings that go way over their heads. They need Christ, like we do.

Love, this is the sign by which the world will know who belongs to Christ. Do we have Christ?  Do others notice that we do?

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