God's Glory - God's Agenda, Not Ours

"Instead, we have renounced all the things that hide in shame; we refuse to live deceptively or use trickery; we do not pollute God’s Word with any other agenda. Instead, we aim to tell the truth plainly, appealing to the conscience of every person under God’s watchful eye. Now if our gospel remains veiled, it is only veiled from those who are lost and dying, because the evil god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers. As a result the light of the good news, the radiant glory of the Anointed—who is the very image of God—cannot shine down on them. We do not preach about ourselves. The subject of all our sermons is Jesus, the Anointed One. He is Lord and Master of all. For Jesus’ sake we are here to serve you."

2 Corinthians 4:2-5 in the Voice Bible Version

[This is the 2nd lesson of this series]

Christian preachers should teach about Christ. That should be a given. Many sometimes do preach about themselves. But hopefully in the context of them becoming less and with the intent of Christ becoming more. The model is to be that of John the Baptizer, who was the last of the Prophets of old who heralded the way of the Savior of the world -- John, who was humbled to baptize the One who was, who is, and is to come. John knew he had no right, but it was the proper thing to do. Jesus Himself told Him so (and John had to).

Teachers need to teach Christ. It is the proper thing to do. How to do it the best way, is up to the Holy Spirit.


Now everyone has an agenda. It is not true to say otherwise. Hopefully it aligns with God's.

Jesus did not come to be served but to serve. Teachers of the Gospel of Christ are foremost servants of the Living God. And then they are Servant-Leaders. They are role models, they lead not by lording over others.

And they are to lead others to Christ, in the same way Jesus led His disciples to God the Father.

How, by being transparent, doing things that aren't shameful, deceptive or manipulative and not to change what God's Word says to suit their own or another agenda.

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is pretty straightforward. It should be taught plainly, and as needed, explained in a way that the hearer will be able to relate to, and absorb.

The Servant-Leader is merely the messenger. Ultimately, the decision to believe what message they have delivered is entirely on the receiver. God is the One who convicts. God knows and sees everything.

Once the messenger has delivered the message, the job is done. God's Word will not return to Him empty handed. God's Word will accomplish all He wants accomplished.

Image Credit: in-due-time.com

God's Word is a double-edged sword, cutting through years of confusion, chaos, resentment, regret and remorse.
