God's Glory - We Do Not Give Up

 "Since we are joined together in this ministry as a result of the mercy shown to all of us by God, we do not become discouraged."

2 Corinthians 4:1 in the Voice Bible Version

[This is the 1st lesson of this series within a series]

Being a follower of Christ is not easy. Those who preach otherwise is not teaching the full counsel of God.

Did Christ had an easy life? Did any of His apostles? Indeed before Christ went to the cross, He told His closest followers that it is not going to be easy for them. No student is greater than His teacher. Christ prayed for them and for all who will believe in Him through the teachings of His followers. He knew what they will go through.

Mad World

In this mad world, Christ followers are like sheep among wolves. And sadly, wolves have entered the church, since the 1st century as Paul wrote about, as did Peter, James and John and as prophesied by Christ.

This is why Christ sent His Spirit, the Comforter, the Counselor, Guide, the Teacher and Advocate, so that He will be with His followers, until His promised return.

Faithful God

Apart from God, we can do nothing. But with Him, all things are possible.

Let us not give up, and as God's Word says, all the more as the Day of His coming is drawing near. Let us not forget meeting together with other followers of Christ. Let us continue to hunger and thirst for God's daily manna from heaven and for God's presence. Let us help others in need, and share the compassion of Christ.

God's mercy upon us, made all this possible -- to be reconciled with Him through the finished work of His Son. Today, His Spirit is continuing this work so that we are able to share Christ to all the world. Let us not faint or grow weary.

Image Credit: heavenlytreasuresministries.org
