Teaching - God's Presence, God's Spirit

"I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing. "
-Jesus of Nazareth, speaking to His closest disciples, 1st century
John 15:5 in the Berean Study Bible Version

[This is the 41st lesson of this series]

We study Scriptures for our own spiritual edification first, and to teach others second. Any other reason is not what it was intended for.

We've talked more about this in a lesson in another series.

God's Presence

Followers of Christ today need to study Scriptures, and they need God's presence.

Christ was with His disciples almost 24/7, eating, sleeping, travelling with them from one place to another; teaching them, and sitting in as He was teaching others. While with Him, they too were able to do the impossible, as Jesus did.

After Jesus died. Peter and the rest of the disciples went back to doing what they were doing before they met Jesus. Peter along with several other disciples, went back to do what they know to do -- catching fish (trusting in their own selves).

After Jesus came back from the dead, He appeared to them as they were fishing and like the first time, apart from Him, they didn't have any catch. Jesus then recreated the boat sinking miraculous catch. And like the first time, it was "easy" for Him -- simple, unceremonious, uncomplicated.

When Peter realized it was the Lord, he left his boat (his old life, his pride, his earthly treasure) to draw near to Christ again. This was when Jesus reinstated him. Jesus is always about calling the lost back to Him, about redemption and second chances.

Jesus then told Peter three things:

1. Feed my lambs
2. Take care of my sheep
3. Feed my sheep

God's Spirit

For some three and a half years, Jesus, praying to the Father constantly, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and with a purpose did these three things, and He was telling Peter to continue doing them -- feeding His lambs, taking care and feeding His sheep. Jesus was and still is, the Good Shepherd.

When Jesus initially called Peter, He told him that he will no longer be a fisherman, but will be a fisher of men.

Yet, here Jesus found Peter and His other disciples, back to where they were, and what they were doing, before He first called them to come follow Him (trusting on their own strength).

But truly apart from Jesus, they can do nothing, they cannot bear fruit. 

Before Christ went to the cross, He told His followers, He will not leave them as orphans. He told them He will ask the Father, and He will give them another Advocate (Companion, Helper, Defender, Comforter, Teacher) to help them, and be with them forever.


Jesus told them:

When the Advocate comes, whom He will send to them from the Father—the Spirit of truth, He will testify about Him.

When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide them into all the truth.

Holy Spirit

So after Jesus' earthly ministry has been fulfilled, after He ascended back to heaven to continue His work, He sent the Holy Spirit to His disciples. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He is the Spirit of truth. He is the Spirit of Christ.

With the Holy Spirit, Peter and the rest of the disciples were again able to do what they were called to do.

Apart from the Spirit of God, they could do nothing. No, they weren't nothing apart from God, but surely, without God (without God's Spirit), they couldn't feed God's lambs, they couldn't take care and feed God's sheep.

They can try to. Religious leaders before and during Jesus' time and all through the centuries ever since, have tried.

But like them, they will not be able to do so.

And this is the same way for every follower of Christ today, apart from Him (apart from His Spirit) they can do nothing.

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