Still Making the Wrong Choices
Israel Early First Century
The gospels recorded the clandestine and mock trials that were held when they arrested the man they call Jesus of Nazareth. Charges and witnesses were brought up against him and he was made to defend himself first against the Jewish high priest at that time, Annas. Then he was sent to the Roman prefect (governor) at the time Pontius Pilate who then brought him to King Herod Antipas who sent Jesus back to Pilate.
Let us read that narrative:
This was a trial of the people right there. But if you think about it, this is still happening, right here, right now.
People still demand what they want and for the most part they still get it. People still choose the wrong choices that really often times make no sense at all.
And as humans, we have done so for thousands of years.
Up to this day, we are still making the same (wrong) choices -- be it in any aspect of our daily lives.
Nothing is really new, everything that happens seems to be a rerun of a bad sitcom, a thriller or a telenovela that we have watched decades ago.
This running around in circles could really stop if we start to make the right choices, starting right now. Who do you choose?
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Marion Doss
The Pilate Inscription states:
This building - Tiberium
By Pontius Pilatus
Prefect of Judea
Has been built
The gospels recorded the clandestine and mock trials that were held when they arrested the man they call Jesus of Nazareth. Charges and witnesses were brought up against him and he was made to defend himself first against the Jewish high priest at that time, Annas. Then he was sent to the Roman prefect (governor) at the time Pontius Pilate who then brought him to King Herod Antipas who sent Jesus back to Pilate.
Let us read that narrative:
From Luke 23 (The Message)
Archaeological Find: The Pilate Inscription |
Then Pilate called in the high priests, rulers, and the others and said, “You brought this man to me as a disturber of the peace. I examined him in front of all of you and found there was nothing to your charge. And neither did Herod, for he has sent him back here with a clean bill of health. It’s clear that he’s done nothing wrong, let alone anything deserving death. I’m going to warn him to watch his step and let him go.”
At that, the crowd went wild: “Kill him! Give us Barabbas!” (Barabbas had been thrown in prison for starting a riot in the city and for murder.) Pilate still wanted to let Jesus go, and so spoke out again.
But they kept shouting back, “Crucify! Crucify him!”
He tried a third time. “But for what crime? I’ve found nothing in him deserving death. I’m going to warn him to watch his step and let him go.”
But they kept at it, a shouting mob, demanding that he be crucified. And finally they shouted him down. Pilate caved in and gave them what they wanted. He released the man thrown in prison for rioting and murder, and gave them Jesus to do whatever they wanted.
In the narrative written by Matthew, he added the following:
Now it was the governor’s custom at the festival to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd. At that time they had a well-known prisoner whose name was Jesus Barabbas. So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah?” For he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him.
While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent him this message: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.”
But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed.
“Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” asked the governor.
“Barabbas,” they answered.
“What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked.
They all answered, “Crucify him!”
“Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!” (highlights mine)
This was a trial of the people right there. But if you think about it, this is still happening, right here, right now.
People still demand what they want and for the most part they still get it. People still choose the wrong choices that really often times make no sense at all.
And as humans, we have done so for thousands of years.
Up to this day, we are still making the same (wrong) choices -- be it in any aspect of our daily lives.
Nothing is really new, everything that happens seems to be a rerun of a bad sitcom, a thriller or a telenovela that we have watched decades ago.
This running around in circles could really stop if we start to make the right choices, starting right now. Who do you choose?
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Marion Doss
The Pilate Inscription states:
This building - Tiberium
By Pontius Pilatus
Prefect of Judea
Has been built
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