Origins (Kingdom of God)

The Seventh Trumpet

'Then the seventh angel sounded his trumpet and loud voices called out in heaven:

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever.”

-written by the Apostle John, 1st century

This is the 7th message of this series]

The passage above is taken from the Book of Revelation (last book of the New Testament bible, the Christian Scriptures).


Most of the contents of the Book of Revelation is prophetic -- events which are to take place in the future.

So much of what made believers into believers, is the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

Fulfilled Prophecies

In the time of Jesus, the prophesies which were recorded in the Jewish Scriptures (the Old Testament bible) were regarding the Promised Messiah, written over a thousand years before the time of Jesus. All of these prophesies were fulfilled in His birth, life, death and resurrection.

Those whose eyes were opened, whose ears could hear, whose minds were renewed and have received the Holy Spirit has become part of the Kingdom of God.

Prophesies Waiting To Be Fulfilled

The prophesies written in the Book of Revelation, the Gospels and the Epistles (letters to the early churches and early believers) all from the Christian Scriptures are set to happen after the time of Jesus on earth, and those that will happen in the end of age. These prophesies were told them by Jesus Himself or revealed (i.e. Revelation) to them by the Spirit of God.

This world we are in are under the kingdom of darkness, since the fall of Adam. Jesus came to usher in the Kingdom of God, one person at a time.

When every new prophesy is fulfilled, the Kingdom of the world will fully become the Kingdom of Jesus.

For the Glory Lord is Yours

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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