Origins (the Series)

The Cambridge English dictionary describes origins as the beginning or the cause of something.

Oxford Languages dictionary says it is the point where something begins.

Indeed science is humankind's way of trying to explain our origins -- our beginnings.

The bible is God's way for humankind to try to understand science. It explains the who, what, where and the why and how we got here and also where we are headed. Yes, the same thing science is trying to do.


In many ways science can explain things which are observable, repeatable and recordable. If one of those requirements are missing then science cannot explain that one. (Of course, scientists will come up with the most likely explanation -- theories, the best our humankind's greatest minds can come up with).

When it is out of the reach of science, then we turn to faith (or the supernatural or the divine).

No Way To Be Sure

If scientists are really honest with themselves then they cannot call themselves atheists. For with all their human intellect, they just cannot be sure that there is no God.

Surely they can be agnostics. It's sensible. Not smart, but it is 'scientific" and a safe bet.

In The Beginning

Let's face it, none of us was there in the beginning.

Now two books of the bible begins with the phrase "in the beginning...", the Book of Genesis (literally meaning the origin of something), this is the first book of the Jewish Scriptures.

And the other from the New Testament, the Christian Scriptures, the Book of John, one of the four gospels (the Good News of Jesus Christ).

These two books "try" to explain to humanity our origins. It would be safe to say that no living human today or even someone who lived in the last one thousand years would know for sure about our origins. Theories yes. We have several.

What do we do then?

Isaiah 1:18

“Come, let us reason together,” says the LORD."

Here are the messages of this series:


continuing series...

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