Becoming (Like) Onesiphorus

"The Lord grant mercy to the family of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and showed me kindness [comforting and reviving me like fresh air] and he was not ashamed of my chains [for Christ’s sake]"
-Apostle Paul
2 Timothy 1:16

[This is the 17th message of this series]

Great Comfort

In one of the two letters that Paul wrote to Timothy, the leader of the first church in the City of Ephesus, he mentioned a man named Onesiphorus, who Paul was most grateful for.

Onesiphorus of Ephesus

Aside from two mentions of his name in the second letter to Timothy, we know nothing more about this man. We know he lives in Ephesus and was a member of the church there.

And we know that he was a blessing to Paul during the times that he needed refreshing. Those times were when so many others have abandoned him because of his imprisonment.

This was a time of uncertainty and persecution. Believers were afraid to be tagged as followers of Christ because they might suffer the same fate as Paul and other believers, who were shunned, lost favor, imprisoned, exiled and even put to death. This isn't unlike the time when Christ was arrested and brought to trial. Everyone abandoned Him at that time, as well.


The Apostle Paul in writing to Timothy wrote prayers of blessings to Onesiphorus and his family.

Paul shown mercy and kindness towards Onesiphorus as gratitude and recognition of him being unashamed to be seen and known as a friend of an incarcerated person, a persona non grata of the state and an enemy of the powers that be.


Onesiphorus embodied the ideals of Christ and in so doing lifted up Paul during his low, difficult and trying times, particularly as a prisoner awaiting his trial and verdict.


In one of the stories that Jesus shared, he narrated it this way:

"Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you visited Me.’


Onesiphorus took this story to heart and he ran with it. He was not ashamed of Christ and being a Christian. He was not ashamed to show it and was not afraid nor care about the consequences of being known as an associate of Paul.

He did not care what people may say about him and what they might do to him for coming out as a supporter of a condemned man.

Let us be like Onesiphorus and not miss out in the opportunity to encourage, refresh and lift up other believers who we know need lifting up. Let us be like those who put the needs of others above their own. This is a sure sign of the Spirit of Christ living and active in us.

Prison Ministry

Today, believers still follow the example of Onesiphorus. Many have done ministry in prisons and in doing so, have been a breath of fresh air and a source of hope and encourage to people in need of refreshing during the times they need it most. 
