Becoming Series

Becoming Like Them

Even before we were born, our parents have already dreamed and hoped for everything good for us.

The moment they laid eyes on us after we came into this world, (typically looking at their "mini-mes"), they would have had high hopes for us and plans for us to be highly successful in this life.

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Plans, Hopes and Dreams

For many of us, starting from a young age, we were being groomed to be what our parents have become.

So it is not unusual that parents who are doctors wanted their children to be doctors as well, as do lawyers, architects, engineers, artists, professional athletes or those in politics, the military, law enforcement, healthcare or whatever field of work they may be involved in, to be like them.

Some even hoped that their children would grow up to become who they wanted to become.

I believe most parents are like that. But many times, their children grow up becoming something else.

For Good Not For Bad

Our Father in heaven has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. But we, His children have our plans. And God essentially gives us the free will to become who we want to be.

But believe me, we could become whoever we want to be. And sometimes we do. But for the most part what we become is something we haven't planned on or hoped for.

Whoever we have become, God wants us to become who He planned us to be. If we aren't, it is not too late.

I know we are all unique but have we ever considered what God, Our heavenly Father really wants us to become?

Becoming (Like) Series

1. Becoming Martha

2. Becoming Mary

3. Becoming Lazarus

4. Becoming Judas (Not)

5. Becoming a Pharisee (Not)

6. Becoming Peter

7. Becoming Paul

8. Becoming John the Beloved

9. Becoming Matthew

10. Becoming Thomas

11. Becoming (Like) James

12. Becoming (Like) Andrew and Philip

13. Becoming (Like) Theophilus

14. Becoming (Like) Syzygus

15. Becoming (Like) Dionysius and Damaris

19. Becoming (Like) Gaius

continuing series...

Church of the Lost Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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