Pandemic Preaching - The Mark of the Beast

"The second beast forces all people—important and unimportant people, rich and poor people, free people and slaves—to be branded on their right hands or on their foreheads. It does this so that no one may buy or sell unless he has the brand, which is the beast’s name or the number of its name."

Revelations 13:16-17

Nature of

Believe it or not, we are still in a (worldwide) pandemic.

I know, we all are so over this pandemic virus. But pandemics do take a long time to subside, years. And even after it has subsided, the effects and the virus (and variants) still linger/s on.

Peculiarities of

Now this particular pandemic is unique in the sense that it is the first full blown pandemic during the social media age. This is the first when news, both real and fake reaches everyone, anywhere in the world with a smart device and wi-fi in real time.

Politics of

This pandemic has been politicized, politicians and people in positions of power and big business have used it to stay in power or topple their enemies.

The result is a polarized world where people are being divided into and labeled as the vaxxed (vaccinated) or the unvaxxed.


And if plans push through the vaccine will soon be available to everyone, even to babies as young as six months old. Does not really matter, as pregnant women are being vaccinated while still carrying the fetus in their womb. This means, very soon everyone will be vaccinated -- the young (including those yet to be born), the old, the rich, the poor, whatever condition, whatever country, color or creed. Cash is king.

Mark of the Beast

Don't get me wrong, the vaccine is NOT the mark of the beast. In fact, anyone saying they know exactly what this mark is, is probably just wishful thinking. The Book of Revelations is one of the most symbolic and most complicated documents to interpret and understand, and purely human emotions and understanding cannot cut it.

Main Point

The main point of this teaching is just to let everyone aware that this often quoted Scriptural verse is now very, very relevant (extremely).

With this pandemic, we can now see how humankind can turn and has indeed turned something, anything like this pandemic (the source of which is still unknown, man-made or not, or deliberately or accidentally dispersed or not, naturally occurring or not)... how something like this and anything really, can be turned into the making of the mark of the beast.

[In case we still haven't heard, many areas have already started using QR codes to indicate whether someone is vaxxed. Some cities have already mandated that their people show "proof" in the smart devices they are carrying, the QR code that indicates they have been vaccinated so they can enter business establishments -- meaning they not only have to have proof but they also need a smart device]


Now the original context of this mark is not really so high tech. This mark can be compared to how owners of cattle brand their livestock. And many still do this kind of inhumane thing today with the animals having no say on this. The owners and their workers brand their properties so it would be hard for their animals to be lost or stolen. And when one is lost, then it can be easily identified through the mark branded on them. 


Now the difference is that the mark of the beast is meant not just to signify ownership and to identify ownership, but this mark is for humans (not animals) -- it is a passport or a visa to travel, to enter a country, enter a place of business or school, hospitals, to work, to study, to get treatment, to sell and to buy, transact business -- essentially to do anything.

The Book of Revelations was written 2,000 years ago and shows us a glimpse into the future. And that future is now being fulfilled in our day and time. Maybe not all yet, but we are fast running right into everything, and it is just around that bend or corner that is coming up. We may not be seeing it yet, but it's here. Everything is ripe.

Revelations 13:18

"In this situation wisdom is needed. Let the person who has insight figure out the number of the beast, because it is a human number. The beast’s number is 666."

This mark is human made. And today, there is almost nothing left that humans cannot do. In fact, humans have made themselves into gods. 
