Teaching the Teachers - What To Do

"Talking things over, they went on into the house, where Cornelius introduced Peter to everyone who had come. Peter addressed them, “You know, I’m sure that this is highly irregular. Jews just don’t do this—visit and relax with people of another race. But God has just shown me that no race is better than any other. So the minute I was sent for, I came, no questions asked. But now I’d like to know why you sent for me.”

Acts 10:27-29 MSG

[This is the 5th lesson of this series]

In a previous lesson in this series, we discussed how God shows no favoritism.

Today we will expand on this as we continue reading from that excerpt from the Book of Acts.


If we haven't learned yet, Jewish people do not normally mingle with non Jews. And in a way, some people view this as a sign of racism. We actually see these segregation practices recorded, particularly in the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament bible). Now we tackle sensitive issues like this on another Series (Why I Don't Believe).

But as we have already made known in many different lessons, Jesus was way ahead of His day. He advocated for social justice and equality, for which partly He was often castigated for by the authorities of His time and place.

As we see from the excerpt above, Peter was saying that he finally realize that God does not show favoritism and is the God of all people from all nations.

We can see this plainly on the succeeding verses:

Acts 10:34-36 MSG

"Peter fairly exploded with his good news: “It’s God’s own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites! It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from—if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open. The Message he sent to the children of Israel—that through Jesus Christ everything is being put together again—well, he’s doing it everywhere, among everyone."

And then Peter proceeded to share the gospel to non Jewish people who he was with. And the call of Jesus to bring the good news of salvation to all nations started and it came with a demonstration of God's power.

Acts 10:37-48

The same thing is still what is happening to this day -- followers of Christ sharing Christ to people all over the world, regardless of ethnicity, gender, status or age.

God shows no favoritism and we are all to do what Jesus told His followers to do.

No better way to learn about this ourselves than to read the Christian Scriptures (New Testament bible) ourselves -- the Gospels, the Book of Acts, the Epistles and finally the Book of Revelations.
