Post Pandemic Preaching - Here & Now
Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.'
-Jesus of Nazareth, 1st century
Luke 10:2-3 in the Berean Study Bible Version
[This is the 19th lesson of this series]
We are living in a post pandemic world, in a postmodern society (or at least in a world where people have a postmodern mindset).
These words of Jesus from back in the 1st century is actually still true today as it was in that century, and in every century and generation since. It will continue to be true now and in the coming generations (if we even get there). In fact, it got truer every passing century. Except in several places, in several generations, where and when the wolves ran with the lambs, disguised in sheep's clothing (but that's another lesson for another day).
Post Modern
So what is a postmodern mindset?
Let us read an excerpt from
Many postmodernists hold one or more of the following views:
(1) there is no objective reality;
(2) there is no objective truth;
(3) science and technology are not vehicles of human progress but suspect instruments of established power;
(4) reason and logic are not universally valid;
(5) there is no such thing as human nature;
(6) language does not refer to a reality outside itself;
(7) there is no certain knowledge; and
(8) no general theory of the natural or social world can be valid or true.
Ultra Modern
I know, this is so overly modern, we cannot begin to wrap our minds around it. And of course, there are those who contend that people cannot really live in a postmodern society.
Simply, a post modern society is one of individuality, diversity, skepticism, and innovation. It is a society accepting of new ideas, and ways of thinking as opposed to remaining committed to supposedly objective truths established by previous generations.
There Is No Truth
It's main characteristics are skepticism, subjectivity, suspicion, diversity and individuality. This is a society where people continuously seek to change based on an infinite number of individualistic perspectives. Just look around us, these are evident everywhere.
Followers of Christ
And so yes, followers of Christ (The Way, The Truth & The Life) who taught His first disciples in the 1st century were sent out like lambs among wolves in their day and time, will be more and more like that today, here and now, and in the future. His Words are true.
The harvest is indeed plentiful, always has been. But will there be workers to reap them?
The Lord of the harvest is calling you, yes you, right now, where ever you are in the world. It is time.
The Lord of the harvest is calling you, yes you, right now, where ever you are in the world. It is time.
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