The Sheep

Sheep - You and Me

The bible often likened people to sheep.
And in case you know nothing about sheep or the bible, I found a funny article listing how we are definitely like them:

12 Characteristics of Sheep 
(by David Murray @ Head Heart Hand)

Here are the 12 characteristics of sheep as listed by Mr. Murray and I think you will also agree with him that it is very applicable to all of us.

1. Sheep are foolish
2. Sheep are slow to learn
3. Sheep are unattractive
4. Sheep are demanding
5. Sheep are stubborn
6. Sheep are strong
7. Sheep are straying
8. Sheep are unpredictable
9. Sheep are copycats
10. Sheep are restless
11. Sheep are dependent
12. Sheep are the same everywhere

I don't know about you but most everyone I know (including myself) are 12 out of 12 out of that list.

According To the Prophet Isaiah:

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way;" Isaiah 53:6

Yes, we all have. Who ever wants to be controlled by or told what to do by some body else?

But have you ever asked yourself maybe, just maybe this is the way we were made because we actually need a shepherd to lead us and to show us how to live life or what to do?

A psalmist wrote

"Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture."  Psalm 100:3

If there is a God, meaning if there is a Creator of everything and we all just didn't come out of the blue by some ridiculously lucky freak accident, and if there is really a purpose and a meaning to our existence, then maybe, just maybe all our lives we have gone astray and that all we need to do is to come back to our Maker and be led by him.

Black Sheep

The term black sheep is commonly used to describe someone who feels left out, especially within their immediate family. Basically, he or she is the disgrace or the outcast of their family.

And this is mainly due to the fact that they choose to do things their own way or things that did not live up to their parents' standards.

Are you a black sheep?

Are you a sheep who has gone astray?

Are you tired of roaming aimlessly, walking around in circles or moving one step forward then moving two steps back? Are you done with running away?

Then maybe it is time to come back.

And don't worry, no one will blame you, condemn you or say, "I told you so.".

Come as you are, you are always welcome to the Church of the Lost Sheep.

Church of the Lost Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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