The Sheepfold

Welcome to The Church of the Lost Sheep

Lost? Don't worry, you've come to the right place. Let us start @ the beginning...

October 2012
  • A Cyber Church - A church is not a building. The Church is the people who come together in the name of the Lord. The Church is you, me and everyone else here with us.
  • The Story of the Lost Son - Jesus shared his teaching using stories. Here is a short look at one of them -- it is about a father, his younger son who knows he is lost and the elder son who didn't even know that he was.
  • Jesus Invited To A Party - Jesus performed some pretty amazing stunts. Here is a look at the first one -- after having been invited to a party were the drinks ran out, he was asked to come up with more. See how he did it.

December 2012
  • The End of the World? - 12-21-12 was supposed to be the end of the world, at least according to some people who saw this by interpreting the Mayan Calendar. This was written a day before that fateful day and was supposed to be read on the day after doomsday.
  • December 25 - The Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus on this day. Read the story as told from Scriptures. Happy birthday Jesus.

January 2013
  • New Year's Resolution - Happy New Year! Happy New You! Are you? I mean, are you, happy? Are you sure? Happy reading...

June 2015

December 2015
  • Abundance and Blessings - One of the more misunderstood and fought over teachings of the church. One thing for sure though, God wants abundance and blessing in the believers life. The real question is why am I not experiencing the abundant life?

January 2016
  • New Year! New You?  - The new year is when most people want to start fresh and be a new and better person. Do you remember what happened to your new year's resolution last year? What about the year before or the one before that? How did it turn out? Maybe we need to look at this "new you" thing with a different set of eyes.
  • Winning the Power ball Jackpot - People will take their chances, however small it may be and they would even try anything just to be able to hit the jackpot. God already has a jackpot for everyone and it isn't all that hard to obtain it.

March 2016
  • Teaching the Teacher - People reject the bible for a variety of reasons, if we do that to everything else then we will still be fumbling in the dark. We have been given an intellect, give it a chance and see what happens.
  • Still Making the Wrong Choices- People still choose to make the wrong choices in every aspect of their lives, as people have always done throughout recorded history.
  • It is Finished!- When Jesus was hanging on the cross, He said, "It is finished!" And it was.
  • The First Unbelievers - Believe it or not you aren't the first ones not to believe in Jesus. In fact, it was fashionable and safe not too. 

May 2016

  • Ending Your Own Life - Did it ever cross your mind to end it all? I have. You are not alone, there are many just like you. Nothing is ever hopeless and you are never helpless. 

July 2016 


Quiet Time # 1 - Who we are and where we came from

Quiet Time # 2 - It's not all about you or me, really.

Quiet Time # 3 - We are in Big Hands.

Quiet Time # 4 - Born Again

Quiet Time # 5 - We Can Do It

Quiet Time # 6 - Don't Throw It Away

Quiet Time # 7 - Fighting Fire with Fire

Quiet Time # 8 - Living in the Light

Quiet Time # 9 - You Can Do It

Quiet Time #10 - The Power of the Tongue

Quiet Time #11 - With God You Will Find A Way

Quiet Time #12 - It's All About Him

Quiet Time #13 - Shine!

Quiet Time #14 - Letter to the Church in Torrance

Quiet Time #15 - Walking the Talk

Quiet Time #16 - Listen

Quiet Time #17 - Teachers, Trainers, Instructors & Role Models

Quiet Time #18 - Love

Quiet Time #19 - Love Conquers All

Quiet Time #20 - Praying For Others

Quiet Time #21 - Live Life

Quiet Time #22 - Blessed

Prayer For Guidance

It is the Holidays


New Years Resolution # 1 - Letting Go

New Years Resolution # 2 - Being in the Present

New Years Resolution # 3 - The Future

New Years Resolution # 4 - Proverbs

Love - Pass It Around

Do You Love Me? - Jesus

What the World Needs Now - Is A Father's Love

Do Not Be Like That Person - Judas, Barabbas, Gestas

Do Not Be Like These People # 2 - The Ungrateful

Do Not Be Like These People # 3 - The Foolish

Do Not Be Like These People # 4 - List of People

Do Not Be Like These People # 5 - Whiner

Do Not Be Like These People # 6 - Liar

Do Not Be Like These People # 7 - Another Foolish One

Do Not Be Like These People # 8 - Thick Skin

The Enemy's Gameplan - Know Thy Enemy

Thank You Lord - Thanksgiving Day

Siblings - 2 Brothers & 2 Sisters

Mission Impossible - Your mission if you choose to accept it

Movie Night - Hidden

Foolish Heart - Foolish Mind, Foolish Man

Organized Religion - Man made vs God's Plan

God Loves Math - Addition/Multiplication not Subtraction/Division?

The First Evangelists - Shepherds

God's Christmas Message - FOR to us a son is GIVEN

Peace on Earth - Peace Be With You

Joy To The World - Shout For Joy

Light of the World - Let There Be Light

A Common Destiny For All - It Comes To All

The New Earth - Making Everything New


What is Truth - "I AM the Truth!"

Wisdom - More Precious Than Gold

New Year New Life - Changed From Day to Day

2020 - Present Day

Church of the Lost Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
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