Contradictions - Faith With or Faith Without Works

" For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law." Romans 3:28 in the New International Version ------ " But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?" James 2:20 in the New King James Version [This is the 3r d lesson of this series] This message is actually more important to a believer than an unbeliever, but because it is added to the long list that people hold on to, to justify their stand that the bible is unreliable, and the reason they don't believe it, we have to discuss this matter in the public square. I want to add though that I find it amusing that some unbelievers seemingly spend more time studying the bible (although more to find what's wrong with it) and talking about it than many believers. They spend more time trying to justify their unbelief than some believers do to justify their beliefs. Although I'm not raining on their parade, at the rate some of them are going,...