
Showing posts with the label Genesis

Origins (of Man)

The Garden of Eden When the Lord God made the heavens and the earth, no grass or plants were growing anywhere. God had not yet sent any rain, and there was no one to work the land. But streams came up from the ground and watered the earth. The Lord God took a handful of soil and made a man. God breathed life into the man, and the man started breathing. The Lord made a garden in a place called Eden, which was in the east, and he put the man there. Genesis 2:4-8 Written in Hebrew, one of the oldest languages on earth. Believed to have been written around 1450 BC. The oldest manuscripts discovered date back to 2,000 years ago. [This is the 2nd message of this series] Whichever side we are on in the origins of life discussion, we should also be aware (especially if we aren't) that the Jewish Scriptures, the ancient (old) sacred (holy) writings of the ancient Hebrews have been written down several hundreds of years before Christ. Yes BC. Creation Theory The Book of Genesis offers