
Showing posts with the label Outpouring

Post Pandemic Preaching - 2023 Revival

"And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” -Jesus of Nazareth, 1st century John 12:32 [This is the  25th  lesson of  this series ] #asburyrevival In early February 2023 an outpouring of the Holy Spirit happened during a chapel service in Asbury University in Kentucky. What happened was in a Book of Acts level. It was spontaneous and unexpected.  It was later on covered by the news as it went viral in social media. And of course it attracted both camps of supporters and detractors (like in the days of Jesus).  An Awakening The service at Asbury on February 8th extended after the scheduled time and it went on for 11 straight days until the campus decided it had to close it down. In that time it had already attracted over 50,000 people into the campus and much more into their town and countless individuals online. And it had already birthed other Spirit outpourings in various campuses and other places. Revival Today the out...