
Showing posts with the label Sayings

Origins (of Words)

Rise and Shine 'Arise, shine; for your light has come,  And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.' Written by the Prophet Isaiah, 8th century BC [This is the 3rd message of this series] We may not be aware of it but so many of the words we use and our everyday sayings and expressions were taken from the bible. Whether we like it or not, or if we believe it or not, the lives we live are influenced directly if not indirectly by the old book. Not In The Book Of course there are things that we may commonly think or assume may have biblical origins but actually do not (such as the term "God helps those who help themselves" - no this is not from the bible).  Many cute and feel good sayings like this has been passed around for generations and more so recently online and on social media, but many are not from the bible.  We wouldn't know unless we have actually read the bible ourselves. And no, there were no three kings mentioned in the Christmas na...