Winning the Powerball Jackpot

Lottery Last night, the biggest lottery jackpot in recorded history was up for grabs. And it was miracously won not once, not twice, but three times by three different individuals in three different states. Jackpot And the jackpot won was for 1.6 billion US dollars. To put in perspective how big that amount is, it is actually bigger or roughly equivalent to the gross domestic product of 30 countries. Meaning the winner (if it was won by one person) would have been richer than 30 nations. Easy to Win? And all you had to do to obtain that ridiculous amount was to correctly choose just 5 numbers plus pick 1 red power ball number. Easy right? Not quite, the odds were less than 1 chance in over 292 million -- meaning it would have been easier to be voted in as the next US President. Th Real Jackpot What most people are forgetting is that the real jackpot is far more easier to receive than that. And all one needs to do to obtain it is to choose the real red power bal...