Quiet Time #10 - The Power of the Tongue 

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Proverbs 15:1 NIV

So many of the wise sayings the world over, have their roots in the bible. But because we might not read it enough, we might not be aware of this fact.

Much of the more popular sayings are from the Book of Proverbs. Now one of the very first things a new believer would see changed (hopefully) is that they are not as potty mouthed and a gossiper/slanderer as they used to be.

God's Mouthpiece

Indeed the bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So if one has truly let the Lord reside in their hearts, the mouth will be a vessel of peace, joy, love, patience and encouragement among other good things.

But because the believer still lives among the living dead, some of their rotten-ness do rub off and sometimes get the best of any believer. And no one is safe. In fact, the ones who believe they are immune to the influences of the world are most likely the ones who will succumb to it. That is why we need to walk with God's Spirit and God's Word to keep away from and to wash away the filth we get in contact with everyday.

Life or Death

Now the tongue is very powerful, peace or war, blessing or cursing, worship or worry, continuing or giving up, in fact life or death is in the power of the tongue.

And we should be aware of this, every time we open our mouth.

Let the Holy Spirit Take Control

Remember the tongue is one of the smallest muscles but is one of the hardest to control. Why? Because what's truly in one's heart eventually comes out through the mouth. Hard to hide that. But if we let the Spirit take the reins of our life and if we fill our thought life with the Word of God, God will rule this small muscle along with all the other parts in our body.

"I urge you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice—holy, acceptable to God—which is your spiritual service." Romans 12:1
