Quiet Time
Most people have learned the secret to life is having a regular time of refreshing, a quiet time to be alone, no distractions, meditating on good things, shutting off the outside world and all that good stuff that was all so much easier to do just a generation ago.
Today, it is hard to be alone. Everyone is connected. Everything around us is noisy, hectic, frantic, chaotic. Things are coming at us from every direction. Everything is competing for our time and attention. And so no one is used to being alone anymore, and we can't be alone even if we want to.
But like our electronic devices, we need to be turned off, restarted and recharged.
There is a need for a daily reboot and to be alone with the quietness, the stillness and the serenity that is all so scary and scarce at the same time.
Quiet Times Series:
4. Born Again
5. We Can Do It
11. With God You Will Find A Way
13. Shine!
14. Letter to the Church in Torrance
15. Walking the Talk
16. Listen
17. Teachers, Trainers, Instructors & Role Models
18. Love, The Greatest Commandment
21. Live Life, Smile, Pray and Be Grateful Always
22. Blessed to Be Suffering For His Name's Sake
23. Alone with God
24. Worth Remembering Every Morning
25. God is Speaking
27. My Credo
28. Worship
29. Be In The Moment
continuing series...
Image Credit: hopegrows.net
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