Quiet Time #16 - Listen
'The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."' Psalm 32:8 NLT
God is loving and patient. And He does not want anyone to be led to destruction, but He also does not force anyone to do what they don't want to do on their own accord.
God permit things to happen in our lives, some good, some bad and some mostly because of the choices we make. He watches over us over all situations and for the most part, He is just waiting for us to stop running away from doing His will.
And like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), He wants us to give up and to come back and get reconciled with Him through the finished work of redemption and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Once we do, we will become adopted into His family and become a child of the Most High God. And like a child, our Heavenly Father will guide us as we live our new life with Him daily.
And to do this, He uses His Spirit, His Word and His other children -- if we allow them to.
All Things Work Out For Good
God also uses everything and anything that comes our way, or we go through, the good and the bad.
The thing is that He gives us free will or the freedom to choose. Much like in the old days, when parents freely allowed their children to stay outdoors the entire day to do as they choose, at least until the street lights turn on or until their parents called them back in.
But so many of God's children are hard headed, or too slow to take a hint or both.
We are creatures of habit and it does sometimes take awhile to change all our ways but we should be able to get it down eventually, at least God believes so.
God also uses everything and anything that comes our way, or we go through, the good and the bad.
The thing is that He gives us free will or the freedom to choose. Much like in the old days, when parents freely allowed their children to stay outdoors the entire day to do as they choose, at least until the street lights turn on or until their parents called them back in.
But so many of God's children are hard headed, or too slow to take a hint or both.
We are creatures of habit and it does sometimes take awhile to change all our ways but we should be able to get it down eventually, at least God believes so.
He has faith in us. He has our backs and He has given us the formula. We do not need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to surrender our will and let Him take the lead, and He knows the way and how to get there.
The Way
He is the Way and He is already there, waiting for us, yes like the prodigal son's father waiting for his lost son. Let us listen to our Father in heaven calling to us daily... He is speaking to us daily, through His Word, His Spirit, His children and everything we go through... listen.
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