Becoming a Pharisee (Not)

"Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there [at the home of Lazarus] and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he [Jesus] had raised from the dead.

So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him." John 12:9-12


The setting was the night before Passover, which Christians have commemorated as Palm Sunday.

So on this first Lent, the chief priests who were already upset with Jesus and the New Way are now really, totally, over the top fuming mad because Jesus performed the ultimate miracle -- bringing the dead (Lazarus) back to life. And so they wanted to put an end to this circus, this madness by killing Lazarus.

But unknown to them the greatest miracle of Jesus is yet to come, one week from that day, on the first Resurection Sunday (Easter), Jesus Himself resurrecting from the dead.


And because the chief priests like Judas, had their own agenda, they want to put a stop to Jesus and they also wanted Lazarus dead. Why? Because he has become the walking poster boy of this New Way -- a new way to live, a new way to worship and new kind of relationship with our Creator. And besides, additional people were getting converted because of them hearing about and seeing the man who was buried four days but was brought back from the grave.

Not Becoming Like a Pharisee

Now, in case we are not familiar, these chief priests were well respected leaders in the community, supposedly pillars of morality, teachers and experts of the law, men of God, a grade above everyone else.

People look up to them. But not Jesus. In fact, they were the only people Jesus didn't really care for.

Religious Fashion Show

He called them hypocrites, a brood of vipers, blind guides, blind fools and likened them to whitewashed tombs -- beautiful to look at on the outside but on the inside nothing but bones and rotten remains of the dead.

And Jesus was right. These people claim to know Scriptures, claim to know God, but when God, God's Word came down from heaven, they didn't accept Him and instead plotted to kill Him and His followers, including Lazarus and his sisters.

Murder in their Hearts

And they killed many, all in the name of their tradition, in the name of their religion or in the name of their god.

Jesus said they travel long distances (land and sea) to win a single convert, and when they manage to convert one, they make him twice as much a child of hell as they are.

If you care to hear what Jesus said about them, you can read it here. But it will not be pretty. Matthew 23:1-36 MSG

So in our walk with God, if there is one thing we do not wish to become, it would be these people. No, anyone else, except them.

Becoming (Like Them) Series

Note: This lesson started a spin off series, the counterpart to this series.
