Psalm 13

A Prayer for the Lord’s Help

"How much longer, Lord,
    will you forget about me?
    Will it be forever?
    How long will you hide?
How long must I be confused
    and miserable all day?
    How long will my enemies
    keep beating me down?
Please listen, Lord God,
    and answer my prayers.
Make my eyes sparkle again,
    or else I will fall
    into the sleep of death.
My enemies will say,
    “Now we’ve won!”
    They will be greatly pleased
    when I am defeated.
I trust your love,
and I feel like celebrating
    because you rescued me.
You have been good to me, Lord,
    and I will sing about you."

Psalm 13 (CEV)
A psalm by David for the music leader

Even in the midst of the most miserable of days, David, the man after God's own heart, can put together a song and sing it -- a song of lament but always praising God, always with unfailing hope, always lifting up the name of the Lord, not giving up and keeping his joy through it all.


Peace be with you all.
