The Accuser (Night and Day)
"And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of His Christ.
For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down—
he who accuses them day and night before our God.
They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony.
And they did not love their lives
so as to shy away from death.
Therefore rejoice, O heavens,
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea;
with great fury the devil has come down to you,
knowing he has only a short time.” Revelations 12:10-12
Lies, Lies, Lies Yeah
God's enemy He called the father of lies. We know it as the adversary, the thief, devil, satan, the serpent and countless other names.
Before it, there were no lies. The very first lie came out of its mouth. This was when it told Adam and Eve they won't 'die' if they eat the fruit of the tree they were told not to eat from.
Sowing the Seeds
Before that it asked them a question that started them to try to remember and think about what God really told them. It was as if it was sowing seeds of doubt and confusion... "Did God really say that?", "Really?".
The enemy, and its spawn and pawns are cut from the same cloth. Sowing seeds of doubt is their game plan. Lying is one of their manipulative tactics. And guilt tripping and accusing people who believe in God, are their favorite go to move. Their purpose? Yes, to steal, kill and destroy. And pride, envy, self-righteousness and anger are the sources of their motivation.
Total Opposite
All of these are the exact opposite of who God is and what He wants in our lives.
God wants us to have and to enjoy life, and to have it in abundance -- to the full, until it overflows and so as to share and bless others with.
God does not lie. He does not make you doubt, instead He gives you proof when you seek Him out with all your heart.
His Plans
God's plan is to prosper you, mind, body and spirit. His goal is not to harm you and to give you everlasting life (like He first gave to Adam and Eve until the serpent messed it up for them and for all humanity).
Now God might try stop you from fulfilling something you have planned on your own, thinking it would be best for you. But He made you, He knows you more than you know yourself. He sees what bad things will happen down the road before you do. Yes, God is God. He knows when your decisions will lead you to a destructive path down the road, and He will try to stop you before you go over the deep end.
But even if He stops us or corrects us, He does not condemn. His Spirit is gentle. He will convict but He will not condemn.
The difference between the two is the end result -- to which path the correction leads you to.
Condemnation leads you away from God and towards death (steal, kill, destroy).
Conviction leads you back or closer to God and towards life and His perfect plan for you.
Once we really open our heart to Jesus of Nazareth, we are reborn* -- a term most people do not understand.
But when we are born again, then all these will make sense. Until it does, all of these will either be head knowledge, old wives tales or plain foolishness.
We did mention earlier that when you will seek God, when you really seek God with all your heart, then He will not disappoint -- you will find Him. He will answer you when you ask. And He will open the door when you knock. The question is that, have to first opened your heart to Him yet?
Born Again? I Don't Get It!
Our Advocate
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