Lent - Day 3

The First Disciples

"As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” And at once they left their nets and followed Him.

Going on a little farther, He saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat, mending their nets. Immediately Jesus called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed Him." Mark 1:16-20

Continuing our reading of the Book of Mark, we come to the part where Jesus called His first followers. You will note from the passage above that at once those who were called immediately followed Jesus. For sure that does not happen often. Particularly nowadays when there is so much skepticism. And for good reason, as we ought to test things first as in anything else.

In the narrative of Luke, he added more detail to this story (in Luke 5:1-11).

Peter, Andrew, James and John

Luke wrote that after speaking to a crowd of people, Jesus stepped into Peter's boat, which was close to the shoreline. And He told him to cast off a little from the shore and then when he did, to put down his net (which at that time they were cleaning after a long, no doubt frustrating night of trying to catch anything but coming back empty handed.


Peter (a fisherman by trade) did what Jesus (a carpenter or construction worker) told Him to do. Not sure why he did but thinking perhaps they caught nothing anyway, what harm will it do.

Not expecting anything or even not believing Jesus, Peter did what was asked of him and when he did he was then totally amazed at what happened next. His net caught a huge number of fish, something he most probably haven"t seen yet in his many years as a fisherman. Too much that he called his business partners James and John to bring their boat over and then the number of fish caught filled both their boats, nearly sinking them.


Then Peter believed, for he witnessed with his very own eyes. By that time, he probably would have heard of Jesus through other people. Or he probably even heard Jesus speak about the Kingdom of God. But knowing of Jesus is different from knowing Him.

This was definitely an a-ha moment for Peter, an eye opener -- one which made Peter fall on Jesus’ knees and tell Him “Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man”. His eyes got opened, seeing both who he is and who was the Man before Him.

Fisher of men

But then Jesus told him, “Do not be afraid, from now on you will be fishers of men.”

Interestingly, Jesus would go on to tell this same words: "do not be afraid", to His followers numerous times after that. Even today, the Spirit of God is telling us, "do not be afraid".

And then it was after this that Peter and his group (all fishermen) left their boats and became the first followers of Jesus.


This would be typical of any follower of Christ. First they would have heard of Jesus. They would know of Him. And eventually they would "know Him".

So as we continue this series on Lent, let us continue to get to know Jesus, spend quiet time with Him, praying, fasting and to finish this 40 day journey. Shalom.

Lenten Series
