What is Lent

At least for 40 days out of the year, many Christians reflect upon the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

This season is generally called Lent -- it starts on a Wednesday (known as Ash Wednesday) and ends on a Sunday -- Resurrection Sunday (also known as Easter or Easter Sunday).

These 40 days reflects the 40 days that Jesus went through fasting in the wilderness.

Anyway, if you are confused or at least just a little bit curious as to what Lent is all about, who is Jesus, what is Christianity or you really want to go deeper into all these, then let us take this 40 Day Lenten journey together.

Let's go...

Day 1 - Heart Readers

Day 2 - Baptism & (40 Day) Testing of Jesus

Day 3 - The First Disciples

Day 4 - Jesus Calls Levi

Day 5 - Fasting

Day 6 - Sabbath

Day 7 - Heals on a Sabbath

Day 8 - Multitude

Day 9 - 12 Apostles

Day 10 - Homecoming

Day 11 - The Sower

Day 12 - Other Parables

Day 13 - Jesus Calms the Storm

Day 14 - Demons & Pigs

Day 15 - Healing Touch of Jesus

Day 16 - Rejection at Nazareth

Day 17 - The Twelve

Day 18 - Five Thousand

Day 19 - Tradition

Day 20 - What Defiles

21st Day - Faith

22nd Day - Demanding a Sign

23rd Day - Leaven

24th Day - Who is Jesus

25th Day - Jesus Suffering Foretold

26th Day - The Glory of Jesus

27th Day - The Greatest in the Kingdom

28th Day - Temptations and Trespasses

29th Day - Teachings About Divorce

30th Day - Jesus Blesses the Children

31st Day - The Third Prediction of the Passion

Day 32nd - Jesus Heals Bartimaeus

Day 33rd - Triumphal Entry

Day 34th - The Greatest Commandment

Day 35th - The Plot to Kill Jesus

Day 36th - Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus

37th Day - Jesus Prays At Gethsemane

Day 38 - Death of Jesus

Day 39 - Burial of Jesus

Day 40 - Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

Post Lent (Series)

Church of the Lost Sheep

Church of the Lost Sheep 2012
Roadmap (to navigate this site)
