Parables - Teaching 19

The Parable of the Rich Fool

Then he told them this story: “The farm of a certain rich man produced a terrific crop. He talked to himself: ‘What can I do? My barn isn’t big enough for this harvest.’ Then he said, ‘Here’s what I’ll do: I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll gather in all my grain and goods, and I’ll say to myself, Self, you’ve done well! You’ve got it made and can now retire. Take it easy and have the time of your life!’

“Just then God showed up and said, ‘Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?’
 Luke 12: 16-20

Jesus told this parable (story) after someone asked Him for help about his inheritance.

As in other similar cases, Jesus responded by telling a story. And this time it is a story about a greedy farmer.


I know it is still fresh in many people's minds about the unexpected death of Kobe Bryant and the eight others who died with him that fateful Sunday morning helicopter crash. But this story just brings to my mind Kobe's untimely death. Not that he was a rich fool. Indeed, he was rich but he was no fool in the sense that he did retire many years before he passed from this world of ours.

No one really saw this coming -- that so many young, athletic, talented, rich, famous and healthy people would unexpectedly perish that morning. And up to this day, many still cannot accept the fact that they did.

Kobe & 8 others who perished that fateful Sunday morning


Kobe "retired" in 2016 and less than four years later he died with 8 others, including his 13 year old daughter. Kobe was just 41 years old and still could play the sport he loves and retired from, and easily be competitive and beat many players, even younger than him.

We know he was chasing another NBA ring -- one more to match Michael Jordan. But after considering what are the more important things in his life, he decided to walk away from his basketball career and the sport he loves.

And in hindsight, it was a blessing that he did. Because for the last three plus years he was able to spend it with his family. Which would have been impossible if he didn't call it quits when he did.

No Guarantee of Tomorrow

In the story Jesus told, He is reminding the people hearing that there is no guarantee of tomorrow, yes even how young and healthy they were. And even if they are rich and famous. There is an appointed time for each one of us, and we just do not know when it will be. God knows.

Be Ready

Our goal is to be ready, not to put our trust on earthly riches. And to be more concerned with the eternal than the temporal.

Celebration of Life
