Lent - 22nd Day

The Demand for a Sign

"Then the Pharisees came and began to argue with Jesus, testing Him by demanding from Him a sign from heaven.

Jesus sighed deeply in His spirit and said, “Why does this generation demand a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to this generation.” And He left them, got back into the boat, and crossed to the other side."
Mark 8:11-13

Jesus with His paparazzis and His fans and supporters 

This is the 22nd day on our 40 day journey reading through the Book of Mark. I trust you have found the time to join up and even to start from Day 1, even if you started late.

So if you have been reading the Book of Mark, you would notice that we skipped past a few verses. These were on other healings and another feeding of a few thousand people. We could read that on our own.

Pretending To Be Blind

Today we will deal with how some people kept on insisting that they are blind to what they are actually seeing.

Most of us are like this. Because of our upbringing or our own agenda and other personal things going on with our lives, we could choose to be blind to the obvious.

I understand that some "smart" or "educated" or even just hard headed people cannot or will not accept what the gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and even Paul) have written about Jesus. And they would say that those who believe this crap are the ones who are blinded or brainwashed.

That's okay. But holding on the position that the gospel is hard to believe without really having read even one of the four books, is like these people from the narrative above who after already seeing everything that Jesus has done, were still not believing but are still asking for a sign.

Spiritual Blindness

Being blind physically is one thing, but being blind to the truth even if it is right in front of you is another.

And people today are still doing this same thing by arbitrarily saying that the gospels as written by the gospel writers cannot be true, especially when they have not even read it themselves but are just thinking that way because other people are saying so.

40 Day Lenten Study

Well this 40 days of Lent would be the perfect time to read the gospels for ourselves, especially because most of us are ordered to stay at home and have no other place to go out to or do anyway.

And although we are already half way into our 40 day Lenten journey, I pray that even if you weren't able to start with us, you still could join up by reading the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, praying, fasting and abstaining from activities that by now we know we could do without.

It is not too late, please start from Day 1 if you haven't.

As I've said, it's not too late. The Lord is patient, He does not want anyone to be left behind, and He is giving everyone a chance to come to know Him. And this could be our last chance to.
