Lent - 25th Day

Christ’s Passion Foretold

"Then He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and that He must be killed and after three days rise again. He spoke this message quite frankly, and Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him.

But Jesus, turning and looking at His disciples, rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind Me, Satan! For you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”
Mark 8:31-33

Moving along our 40 Day Lenten study with reading through the Book of Mark, we read that Peter, after doing something special (yesterday's reading), today he is back to his usual self -- the foot in mouth Peter, always getting in trouble for saying something stupid (shooting his mouth off without thinking).

As we have said Peter may be the closest follower of Jesus, but it does not mean it is because he is the most righteous.


Now it could be, because he has the most potential -- the most potential to make mistakes, the most potential to fall flat on his face but also the most potential to stand back up, to learn from his mistakes, to do better, to try again and to never give up. We will see more of this in the following days.


Jesus said to whom much is forgiven, much is the love shown back. And Peter with all his many mistakes, Jesus have not hold it against him and have always come back to him with compassion and mercy. Such is the love of God for every one of us -- the same love a loving father has for a wayward (lost) son or daughter.

Peter is every single one of us, a lost sheep. And Scriptures show that we could be like him -- lost, and then found.


Jesus told His closest followers to wait for the Holy Spirit and they will be His witnesses, His representatives to the ends of the world. This started then and is being fulfilled and coming true in our midst today. Jesus is the same then, today and forever.


This church is a testimony to that. We are reaching you where ever you are in the farthest regions of the earth with the love and the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This is what Christianity is all about.

You may still not understand it all right now. But you will...

Please continue this Lenten series with us, let us continue to get to know Christ, spend quiet time with Him, praying, fasting and to finish this 40 day journey. Shalom.
