Lent - 27th Day

The Greatest in the Kingdom

"Then they came to Capernaum. While Jesus was in the house, He asked them, “What were you discussing on the way?” But they were silent, for on the way they had been arguing about which of them was the greatest.

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the last of all and the servant of all.”
Mark 9:33-35

We are inching closer to the end of our 40 Day Lenten study, (reading through the Book of Mark).

If you have been reading along, you would have noticed that we skipped through a few verses once again. Those verses, you are going to have to read on your own, in your own quiet time with the Lord.

In the passage above, Jesus aware that His disciples were talking among themselves, asked them about what they were arguing about.

His disciples didn't respond and became quiet.

But Jesus already knew that His disciples were debating who among them were better than everyone else.

Like anyone else they were most probably trying to prove to one another that they were better than everyone else. Arguing and probably pointing out that they have done this or they have done that, or whatever the case may be.

And Peter would probably be among the most vocal, arguing for sure that he would be the greatest among them. Yes, good old foot-in-mouth Peter.

Anyway they wouldn't understand it yet but Jesus told them that if they want to be first then they must be the last. Not only that, they have to be the servant of all.

Yes with Jesus and in God's Kingdom, it is always the reverse of what the world thinks.

But as sure as we don't get it, they wouldn't have understood it either. But in time, they would.

Let us continue this Lenten series and get to know more about Christ, spend quiet time with Him, praying and fasting. And let us finish this 40 day journey together. Shalom.
