Lent - 28th Day

Temptations and Trespasses

"But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea." 
Mark 9:42

Continuing our 40 Day Lenten study from yesterday, reading through the Book of Mark. We again skipped through a few verses. Please read through those verses in your own quiet time with the Lord.

Today we have a short passage with Jesus having a stern warning for his followers.


He is acknowledging that it will be inevitable that stumbling blocks will come our way that will cause us to question or might even cause us to lose our faith.

Whether intended or not, Jesus did not elaborate. But of course if done by design, then think about a bigger stone and a deeper ocean drop.


Typically newly born Christians or those on the verge of being birthed are easily put off by anything and everything.

Every believer should know this as they too went through a similar stage.

Every new believer looks up to or looks at those supposedly "mature" believers and expects to find at least a fruit of the Holy Spirit or a Christlike demeanor.

Be Careful

This is basically the essence of this warning.

Real christians are supposed to reflect Christ, if they do not then they may not have found Christ yet or walked with Him long enough.

We understand it takes a while to mature from infanthood but there should be some visible difference from the way a believer lives his life from when he first started to believe and follow Christ. And there should be at least a change from day to day (even gradually), from spending time with Christ daily.


As we have already noted previously, there should be a marked difference with those who know Christ from those who only know of Him and those who do not know Him at all or those who rejected Him.

We will continue this Lenten series and we pray that you will continue to join with us, as we to get to know Christ, spend quiet time with Him, praying and fasting. And let us finish this 40 day journey together. Shalom.

Lenten Series
