Lent - Day 8

Multitudes Follow Jesus

"So Jesus withdrew with His disciples to the sea, accompanied by a large crowd from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, the region beyond the Jordan, and the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon. The large crowd came to Him when they heard what great things He was doing.

Jesus asked His disciples to have a boat ready for Him so that the crowd would not crush Him. For He had healed so many that all who had diseases were pressing forward to touch Him. And when the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and cried out, “You are the Son of God!” But He warned them sternly not to make Him known."
Mark 3:7-12

Moving along our Lenten study by reading the Book of Mark, we read that Jesus has now become a celebrity -- complete with their version of groupies, fans, paparazzis and Team Jesus. News about Him travelled far and wide and now it was impossible to be anonymous and become incognito.


Jesus has become an instant celebrity. And like any today, He had His share of adoring fans as well as scheming detractors

He had become like Oprah, Dr. Phil, Dr Oz and all those famous people combined. Everywhere He went, people swarmed around Him.

Healer / Teacher

As we have pointed out, He taught with authority and showed that He was not just talk for He backed up His words with supernatural healings.

With His team constantly travelling with Him and throngs of people surrounding Him everywhere He went. He was like a celebrity on tour, people packed the places He stopped at.

Not sure if it was by design or out of necessity or both but He was always on the move, from city to city. This no doubt infuriated the religious leaders and their Roman leaders all the more, but was a deterrent to their murderous schemes against Him.

Jesus seemed to be always one step ahead of His detractors. And we are just starting.

Jesus, His followers and crowds around them

We will continue this 40 day Lenten journey, and I pray that you will continue reading with us through the Book of Mark, praying, fasting and abstaining from activities that hopefully by now you realize to be unessential.
