Becoming (Like) Theophilus

"Therefore, having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught." Luke 1:3

"In my first book, O Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach" Acts 1:1

Gospel and Book of Acts

The writer of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts, dedicated them to a person whom he named Theophilus.

We will not try to guess who this unknown person is, because that is not the point of this message. And also because Luke, writer of both books, didn't feel it important to add anything more than his name about who this person is.


But we do know that because Luke referred to him using a term which was used at least at that time, to address a Roman official, seems to indicate that Theophilus might be one. And one who would probably want to remain anonymous anyway, as it would definitely cause him trouble at his workplace, among his peers, within his own family and in his community if he was to be exposed as someone who at the very least is having an interest in Christ and in Christianity.

And this brings us to the most important thing about Theophilus -- he was a person who might have heard of Jesus but has had no first hand knowledge of who He was or what is He about but now has an interest and was eagerly studying the life of Jesus of Nazareth -- Jesus Christ.

Are You One?

So if you are not a Jewish person, or one who did not grow up with the same religious and cultural background as Jesus, if you are or have been comfortably living your life without Jesus, are educated and have or had a career and a high position in your field of endeavor and you have an eagerness to study anything and everything about Jesus and you are looking to find an orderly account about Him; then you are a modern day Theophilus.

Thus the Book of Luke and the Book of Acts are written for you and for your intent and purpose.

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These have been written for you, by one who walked with Jesus.

The Gospel of Luke

The Book of Acts

And I added the last Book of the bible, which contains prophecies or future events still to take place, some which are happening in our midst.

Becoming (Like Them) Series

Pandemic Preaching Series
