Pandemic Preaching - Real Joy, Do You Really Have it?


"For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17

I've always said it, God is a comedian and He is funny and has a good sense of humor. I mean how do you think He answers those who pray asking for patience? How else but He allows them to go through a long period of time, just waiting. 

But think about it, how else would you know if you have patience? (Quite funny if you think about it, but obviously will not be when you are the one going through it).

Yes, and this is why wise people tell others 'be careful what you wish for and not to pray for patience'. And don't test God's patience, He created you and He is still patiently waiting for you to try to discover your purpose, and when you would come around and seek out who is the Creator who created you.


Now if patience is a virtue, joy on the other hand is a gift of God. Joy is not happiness in the sense that you only have it when there is something (that brings happiness) is happening to you. Once this (happenstance) is over then the fleeting happiness it brings is gone too.

Kingdom of God

Joy as Apostle Paul wrote about in his letter to the early believers in Rome, in the passage above is what God's Kingdom is all about, one that does not consist of what a person eats or drinks or what is happening all around us.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is a life of joy (as well as peace) and God"s goodness.

Holy Spirit

Joy is wrapped in the presence of the Holy Spirit, without whom there will be none of it.

You would only know for sure that you have it (and the Spirit of God) when you are going through something that isn't joyful. Right, the irony and the very humor of God. 


One of the little known purposes of this pandemic is then for you to not only know for sure which things are truly important in your life and if you do have real joy inside you. Also to know if you have patience.

So to all those asking the Lord for patience, please quit doing that, so that this wait for the pandemic to be done with will be over. (That was a joke).
